puffco plus

  1. S

    Help! Total shatter Nubian! How do I do this?

    I’m lost, there must be a better way! Got shatter from dispensary and a new puffco plus. I’ve made a total mess of the shatter and ripped the paper trying to get it off, got it all over, way more on surfaces than in puffco, got some in to puffco but supposed to “prime wick” before hitting but...

    Pen ELITE (4temp) & MiNi (3temp) coil-free sealed ceramic chambers, from Kandypens

    Has anyone tried either one of these yet ? It looks like the first Kandypen I'll really like. I have, since their inception, loved the LINX HYPNOS ZERO, and new PUFFCO+, despite the Puffco needing some modifications for optimal airflow, as I documented in the puffco thread. This ELITE...
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