
  1. Numinous_Herbalist

    Fantasy Worldbuilding with Dry Herb Vaping

    Hello! This is my first thread so apologies if I've set it up wrong, or started it in the wrong section, just let me know. I couldn't find another thread like this through the search function so I figured I'd start one. Edited for grammar. I'm curious what you all think of fictional fantasy...
  2. lokiki

    A nice picture I wanted to share

    I made this and thought maybe you like it as much as I do :) Cheers
  3. 8man

    Shitty people who create cool stuff

    I was listening to The Velvet Underground & Nico this morning and it got me thinking about shitty people who create cool stuff. Lou Reed Roman Polanski Joni Mitchell (etc, etc. this could easily turn into a VERY long list...) Can you separate the artist from the opus? Or must they always be...
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