
  1. cannabis.pro

    Why You Should Stop Smoking Weed Right Now, According to Vapers

    From Vice Canada: https://www.vice.com/en_ca/article/59qb58/why-you-should-stop-smoking-weed-right-now-according-to-vapers Why You Should Stop Smoking Weed Right Now, According to Vapers We found out why some career cannabis smokers are making the switch to vaping. Richard Greenhill May 17...
  2. cannabis.pro

    420EDC: TiStash

    As discussed in the Grinder Thread here on FC, the TiStash is the 2nd product from 420EDC. We launched the TiChillum 2 years ago out of 3D Printed Titanium and wanted to keep things simple on our 2nd product in terms of machining. The TiStash is a titanium cylinder capped at one end, sealed...
  3. cannabis.pro

    420EDC LockBox & StashCases

    Thank you to the FC community for all the support! We've been collecting boxes for a very long time, Pelican, Otter, Underwater Kinetics, etc. We have always tried to protect gear on any journey it embarks on for the duration of the trip to include redundant backups as we've seen the best of...
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