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  1. C

    Discontinued ThermoVape Evolution

    Obviously my naivety on the subject is clearly showing, but again thanks again for your guys help lol. Im not looking for a "party vape". Id mostly use it by myself, and on occasion use it with one or two other people. And I'm sorry for somewhat hijacking this thread lol
  2. C

    Discontinued ThermoVape Evolution

    Can anyone point to me then what portable tape would be better for a group sesh that I'm describing?
  3. C

    Discontinued ThermoVape Evolution

    Ok well thank you guys for your input it has helped a great amount lol.
  4. C

    Discontinued ThermoVape Evolution

    The biggest group would only be a friend or two. No big seshs going on around here lol.
  5. C

    Discontinued ThermoVape Evolution

    I don't mind reloading the bowl often. I mean if we can nab like 10-15 hits per pack without having to recharge the thing ill be happy, but idk what it'd be like with the LV. I don't mind if i don't get "awesome rips" or "good clouds" and whatnot: i just wanna get stoned with my friends while...
  6. C

    Discontinued ThermoVape Evolution

    In my area, its pretty hard to find a spot to smoke anything. All i want is something i can use to smoke with a couple of my friends and privately toke with on a weekend basis, possibly a few days during the week. I would assume the evo would be the lesser of two evils for more than one person...
  7. C

    Discontinued ThermoVape Evolution

    Hey guys. I registered for this forum to ask you guys a question. I recently discovered the field of portable vapes, and I've done some research and decided to go with either the T1 or the Evolution (I'm pretty sure they're both sold at my head shop, I'm checking for sure tomorrow because i...
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