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    Pinch Hitter by Vapvana

    I will do so, thank you! Hehe... the whip costs more than the Mega Cube bong. :) C'est la vie.
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    Pinch Hitter by Vapvana

    Thank you, Ariwe. I went ahead and ordered that. ;)
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    Looking for a sub $300 (CAD) vape that I can hook up to a water pipe for the smoothest hits

    The Air Max you've been considering takes seven or eight very slow pulls to medicate via my 8" beaker bong. So recently I've ordered a Vapvana Pinch Hitter for $219. If the YouTube vids I've seen can be believed, it's a more "one and done" solution.
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    Pinch Hitter by Vapvana

    I'm looking for a nice stand or cup or clamp or holder for the Vapvana Pinch Hitter. Here are some ideas... The Jade Porcelain Stand looks nice: The Hanger Threaded Heat Stand also looks nice...
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    Does it make sense to micro dose through water?

    I have enjoyed using an 8" beaker with an Arizer Air Max. This allows about 2 medium to medium-low hits and about 2 more wispy hits. The effects seem about on par with just using the unit dry. But I've recently decided that I'd like a water based, micro-dose system that's more "one and done"...
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    Pinch Hitter by Vapvana

    I've enjoyed the portability of my little Arizer Air Max, but sometimes I want a "single hit and done". To that end I've ordered a Mega Cube and a Vapvana Pinch Hitter (my first ball vape).
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