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  1. H

    Surprisingly strong effects from vaporizing chamomile

    Hi Kiddk1, I think the chamomile in the processed teabags is pretty finely ground up. I tried vaping with that many years ago now and it was less than optimal. It always seemed to clog up whatever vape I was using be an Aromazap, a VaporGenie, an Herbalaire or my Ascent. It was so finely ground...
  2. H

    Surprisingly strong effects from vaporizing chamomile

    I think the determining factor--related to grinding--is going to be the engineering of your vaporizer. I use an Herbalaire, and with that you can pack whole flowers into it with confidence that it will all get heated pretty much evenly. I wouldn't do that with my DaVinci Ascent as that works...
  3. H

    Surprisingly strong effects from vaporizing chamomile

    Years ago--I seem to say that a lot--I tried vaping with Celestial Seasoning teas, but found them too finely ground for any of my vapes. The whole flowers crushed, cut or course ground seem to work best.
  4. H

    Surprisingly strong effects from vaporizing chamomile

    Chamomile isn't a substitute for cannabis, but it does have its role in Life. It is impossible to find Indica strains where I live, and even when seeds find their way here the climate just doesn't work. Consequently, I've been smoking, ingesting and vaping only Sativas for a couple of decades...
  5. H

    Ascent Vaporizer by DaVinci

    Well, I am sitting at this computer today so I thought I would write up my thoughts after having a DaVinci for six weeks. I'm happy. It performs as promised. This is a rarity in the world today. I only use it about twice a day for just a couple of pulls each time and that's all I need to be...
  6. H

    Ascent Vaporizer by DaVinci

    It was a weekend. I was pretty high for most of it, and staying away from this computer was a priority. ~HG
  7. H

    Ascent Vaporizer by DaVinci

    Hmmm...I'm new to the Davinci and I had the same chemical/plastic taste upon first using it. I was momentarily disappointed. But the second bowlful proved what I had read elsewhere that that taste would disappear with use. "Offgassing"--meaning that visible vapor can be seen when turned on...or...
  8. H

    Age of the FC Community plus a lot of nostalgia

    Thank you for that stroll down Memory Lane. It was part of the soundtrack to my life all those decades ago.
  9. H

    Ascent Vaporizer by DaVinci

    Will do if I ever figure out how to PM on this site. (I'm old)
  10. H

    Age of the FC Community plus a lot of nostalgia

    Just add the first Blood Sweat and Tears album along with Chicago I, and that would be the collection that moved around with me...Ahh youth!
  11. H

    Ascent Vaporizer by DaVinci

    I have resided in one of the Kingdoms of Southeast Asia for a bit more than 20 years. Some years ago it was not a problem to receive "mail order", but there now seems to be a number of businesses and corporations that either flatly refuse to deliver to The Kingdom, or will not send to a PO Box...
  12. H

    Age of the FC Community plus a lot of nostalgia

    62, and like it's said, "It ain't the years, but the mileage..."
  13. H

    Ascent Vaporizer by DaVinci

    Preaching to the choir. Living where I do in a country to which no one--absolutely no one--will deliver a product of any kind I have had to rely on the travel of friends to bring me items of desire. Sometimes this means I have to wait. I ordered my Ascent last April and had it sent to a friend...
  14. H


    Good on ya, Mate! And just for the record, my Zaps are all running strong, though I too have upped the voltage to 13 and 14. But I never leave them plugged in between uses. HG
  15. H


    Hey! It's been awhile since came by these parts, maybe it was this last hit off of my Myrtlezap that inspired me? Rick, it's good to read your last post. I may never be able to retire, and you seem to be doing it so well. But I do manage to get a bit more QHT these days than in the past. "QHT"...
  16. H


    Hi Rick, I'm sitting here at my desk a half a world away having just taken my one "almost end of the day" hit off of my myrtlezap. I cruise through FC sometimes just to find this particular thread to see if you have done any postings. I'm glad to read that you and your beloved are thriving...
  17. H

    Any "professionals" or "executives" vape daily?

    Yes, I am a stoner and over 60 years of age. Yes, I'm a professional with a bunch of letters after my name. Yes, it did take me a bit longer than a lot of my peers and colleagues to collect those letters because I was stoned a lot and always found other things to interest me besides the latest...
  18. H


    Rick! I had no idea. I just read through your "cold turkey" story... You're a hero, my friend. Many others would have retreated to their dark/weak side and been angry, bitter and unable to embrace the change. You've got a big, strong heart. I'm happy to know you. HG
  19. H


    It's been a long, long time since I posted here--or on any forum--but I want to go on record as saying that Rick and his products have been a part of my life for more than a decade. I have other vaporizers, mostly for stoner gatherings, or for use "on the go"; but I have a Zap on my office...
  20. H

    Vaporizing, Bronchitis, and Asthma

    I know this thread is a bit dated, but recently I've had an old problem return, and I would like some feedback/comments based on your own personal experience. When I was young I was pretty much a pulmonary cripple; couldn't play sports or run around too much. Something happened when I was in my...
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