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  1. TheCarAcrobaticTeam


    Thanks! There's nothing obvious that doesn't seem to be fitting correctly, but I'll give it a good re-assemble and see if that corrects it. I thought today that I should get some ultra low % fuel to problem-solve without fear of going beyond my comfort level. I agree something isn't fitting...
  2. TheCarAcrobaticTeam


    I am only getting visible white vapor about 50% of the time with the Roffus (bought 2 to reduce carrying it back and forth). Typically I'm using On Demand between 398F and 405F and taking long slow draws, but get little to no visible vapor. Customer Support said to go to max and session mode...
  3. TheCarAcrobaticTeam

    Loading Herb & Dosage Pods with Different Flower

    Newbie here. For those of you that preload pods with different flower, what are your best methods of keeping track of what is in each one?
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