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  1. VerdaVap

    VerdaVap - An analogue butane powered ball vape, designed for use in a water pipe.

    Hey everyone, dropping in to give a little update on the VV! Recorded a short video :)
  2. VerdaVap

    VerdaVap - An analogue butane powered ball vape, designed for use in a water pipe.

    The stem will be a while off, that's a project on its own. The 8mm stem adapter should be available relatively soon, which will allow you to use it with any dynavap stem. I've had a couple of QA issues with it so just need to figure that out, when I get the time hahaha. Preorder is still up for...
  3. VerdaVap

    VerdaVap - An analogue butane powered ball vape, designed for use in a water pipe.

    You're awesome mate! I've really been blown away with the enthusiasm and support that has been given to this project! It really has pushed me to give it my all. This is just the beginning! The hookah pump.... I've actually began using it pretty regularly, it's kind of nice but I am not super...
  4. VerdaVap

    VerdaVap - An analogue butane powered ball vape, designed for use in a water pipe.

    G'day party people! The VerdaVap presale is live on the first batch of 100 units! Stock started off at 60* Meranti (dark), and 40* Rose Gum (light). Almost half the Meranti are sold out already, and there are about ~30 Rose gum left. Will be posting to r/vaporents tomorrow, for the first time...
  5. VerdaVap

    VerdaVap - An analogue butane powered ball vape, designed for use in a water pipe.

    G'day everyone! Just another short update. The VerdaVap website has been updated to include pictures and prices for all the products that will be available at launch. Presales open within the next few days. I'm super excited, and actually really nervous! This is...
  6. VerdaVap

    VerdaVap - An analogue butane powered ball vape, designed for use in a water pipe.

    The diameter of the VerdaVap is 14mm. It wasn't designed with a coil in mind, as there is no ledge or anything to keep the coil from sliding down too far. I think one of the prototype testers slightly modified a coil to suit it, but it's not ideal. I would recommend picking up a normal ball...
  7. VerdaVap

    VerdaVap - An analogue butane powered ball vape, designed for use in a water pipe.

    G'day everyone, Just sharing a heap more photos of the VerdaVap. V1 will have two wood options. 1 - Stabilised Meranti - dark wood. 2 - Stabilised Rose Gum - light wood. Fun times ahead. Presales will be open.... Very soon.
  8. VerdaVap

    VerdaVap - An analogue butane powered ball vape, designed for use in a water pipe.

    Just an update. I've been flat stick in the garage building the first batch of 100 VV's. Talking 14 hour days and juggling a 6 month old. Hectic times! VerdaVap is a family operation, Jill my girlfriend is the Web developer, and she's very nearly got the payment functionality added to the...
  9. VerdaVap

    VerdaVap - An analogue butane powered ball vape, designed for use in a water pipe.

    This is a great idea for future revisions! The design of this model doesn't bode well for induction heaters though, as there is quite a lot of metal in the walls of the heating chamber as they are 1mm thick, and would pull a ton of power when heated with induction. A future version that's more...
  10. VerdaVap

    VerdaVap - An analogue butane powered ball vape, designed for use in a water pipe.

    It'll work yeah, but heat up times will be a little longer. For reference, I tested it with a standard triple burner jet lighter and it took about 1 minute of heating before it began to produce vapor. I'd expect that torch you posted to probably be similar heat up times. For me, that heat up...
  11. VerdaVap

    VerdaVap - An analogue butane powered ball vape, designed for use in a water pipe.

    Heya! The beads in the bottom of the glass in my videos, they are borosilicate glass condenser beads that are used in a distillation condenser for chemistry stuff. They add extra weight to the prototype and lower center of gravity, as it's just made out of a glass Bundaberg bottle. Also, the...
  12. VerdaVap

    VerdaVap - An analogue butane powered ball vape, designed for use in a water pipe.

    Here is a picture closer to what the VerdaVap will actually look like.
  13. VerdaVap

    VerdaVap - An analogue butane powered ball vape, designed for use in a water pipe.

    I'm not sure why the link isn't working for you, it seems to be working for me? Sadly it seems you can't upload photos directly to FC, so have to screw around with other file hosting. I read a post saying imgur works, so I've gone with that. If that doesn't work, idk I'll link to my own cloud...
  14. VerdaVap

    VerdaVap - An analogue butane powered ball vape, designed for use in a water pipe.

    Shipped out 5 prototypes this morning! @BlazeyMcBlazeFace & @VapingYogi are two of them! Here are a few photos of the prototypes for anyone curious! They are functional prototypes at this stage. They work fine, but the aesthetics and usability isn't there in these models. The final product...
  15. VerdaVap

    VerdaVap - An analogue butane powered ball vape, designed for use in a water pipe.

    I read this message while pushing my 5 month old around in the pram and had a good laugh, thanks mate 😂
  16. VerdaVap

    VerdaVap - An analogue butane powered ball vape, designed for use in a water pipe.

    Hey! Thanks mate! Haha yep I'm giving away 10 prototypes, have 6 locked in so far, but will be giving the remaining 4 out through the website... Just note that the prototype giveaway is only available to Aussies. The final product will be available globally though! Shipping may just be...
  17. VerdaVap

    VerdaVap - An analogue butane powered ball vape, designed for use in a water pipe.

    Hey! Thanks 🙂 I'm really not sure why that link is dead, but it is for me as well. If you go to this link, it's just the VerdaVap website, then click around you will see the images I tried to link in the original post. I think it may have something to do with needing to click the "I'm 18+", and...
  18. VerdaVap

    VerdaVap - An analogue butane powered ball vape, designed for use in a water pipe.

    Hi everyone! This is my first post on FC! I've been developing a vaporiser over the past couple of months, somewhat on the downlow from the wider vaporiser community... Only ever posted in r/ausents, which is an Aussie cannabis subreddit. I've had a heap of people ask about if there are...
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