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  1. B

    Inductor - Desktop Induction Heater by Camouflet

    "Sales surpassed our projections" lol that is because you have a novel product, great service, and the price was right! For anyone waiting on an Inductor, all I can say is that it is worth the wait. I bounce around between 27v for my Fusion/Stunner/Convector XL/Injector and more like 20.5-22.5v...
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    Camouflet Injector

    I was just thinking that I was WAY too sober for my reading comprehension to be this bad! Stoned writing makes much more sense lol
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    Camouflet Injector

    Hey all! What bowls are people using? I have seen the Convector XL apparently works pretty well, and Ed's TNT Injector bowl works too. Beyond those, what are people using as either decent cheap or more high-quality 18-14mm bowls? (This will be my first injector-style device and I am in unknown...
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    Inductor - Desktop Induction Heater by Camouflet

    ABSOLUTELY YES i would never say anything *wrong* i would just not clarify that i was talking about the Stunner, of course!!!! totally!!!!!
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    Inductor - Desktop Induction Heater by Camouflet

    as someone who does NOT want an exposed coil ball vape (and feels even a heat shield would not be enough for how clumsy i am and the kittens we are certainly getting after our ancient tiger kicks the bucket), i am pretty excited to get a ball vape that 1. works with the inductor and 2. doesn't...
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    Inductor - Desktop Induction Heater by Camouflet

    you fools. you menaces. i was DONE with purchases. i had SPENT all my saved dry powder. i stocked up on herb and ive started learning my inductor (and xl convector). and then you put out the free titanium factory seconds convector for any order over $50 while the regular 420 sale is going on...
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    Camouflet Convector XL

    Convector XL arrived today! Need to do a lot more testing, but so far I am loving the pure convection. The Inductor is INCREDIBLE with it. More to come after more testing.
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    Inductor - Desktop Induction Heater by Camouflet

    Inductor received. I'm in the clouds. It is wonderful. More to come.
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    Marijuana and depression and anxiety

    Different things but often interconnected. I do not feel that THC prolongs depressive states, and I apologize if that is what was implied. Rather, I feel that exclusively using THC to self-medicate rather than doing deeper therapeutic work and/or finding appropriate medications will not...
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    Marijuana and depression and anxiety

    Weed is tricky with depression, and especially so if you are someone who has problems with dopamine production (ADHD for example). It can be massively beneficial. Anecdotally, when I am having a rare panic attack or am in a bad anxiety spiral during a depressive episode, herb is insanely...
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    I love my Stunner as a device, for the record. I posted some reviews early on in my days on the forum (which was, like, two months ago). I have the original without the airflow cap but I do not feel the draw is very restricted at all so I have not needed to upgrade. I got my Stunner alongside a...
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    Adapter for non-removable bowls on glass you otherwise like?

    Hey y'all! I have one glass piece that I bought back when I still sometimes combusted and it does not have a removable bowl. I imagine some of us have cheap glass pieces with Attached Bowls that we wouldn't mind being able to use with normal water pipe adapters. Is there some kind of putty* or...
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    Could you be happy with just one vape (and which is it)?

    in the event of nuclear flash, you'll be real glad for the clicks to tell you when your vapcap is at temp!!
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    Could you be happy with just one vape (and which is it)?

    to be clear, i am running right toward the zombies/bombs/robots/aliens/whatever because no way in hell am i functioning without medicine and cheese. but more hardy folk may use the big mirror for heating their post-apocalypse dynavaps
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    Could you be happy with just one vape (and which is it)?

    yo how high was i when i thought it would be a good idea to put a dynavap in a campfire
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    Could you be happy with just one vape (and which is it)?

    does butane last 15 years in pressurized cans? or do you have another storage system? i know gasoline goes bad in a few years typically so gas stations post-apocalypse wont be as useful as we want. that said, a small campfire can heat a dynavap or dani fusion. i think my ONE AND ONLY in an...
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    Inductor - Desktop Induction Heater by Camouflet

    I forgot the Inductor works with the Lotus! Would it work with a Vapman? Edit to avoid double posting: I have almost exclusively analog vapes, and getting the Inductor for me means I can skip all of the other heavy induction heaters coming to market in the next few years. I only use my Fusion...
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    Inductor - Desktop Induction Heater by Camouflet

    Oh lord. Congrats to @Shit Snacks and also a slight fuck you for winning, good sir. I was perfectly fine NOT getting an Inductor for a little while after losing the giveaway. But a Convector XL and Inductor for total $140 off coupled with the discount code. That is pretty hard to pass up. Would...
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