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  1. A

    Anvil by Vestratto

    You’ve missed the point of what I am saying here. While both ride the line, the closer you get the more finely tuned the variables must be to avoid combusting/charring. The Dani clearly doesn’t get as close as the anvil, which means there’s also more wiggle room in the variables. With respect...
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    Anvil by Vestratto

    They perform much better in other devices. Although I have a theory for this: The Dani and AC’d DV are much “looser” in terms of required variables when doing RTL, but as a result you do extract a bit less due to not getting quite as close to the line. They both don’t hit me quite as hard as...
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    Anvil by Vestratto

    You measured this using metal colour changes on the outer metal of the bowls, correct? I think I remember reading this from you before, was an interesting way of doing it that I hadn’t considered. I enjoyed reading it. I think this is a good way, but not totally objective and doesn’t tell the...
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    Anvil by Vestratto

    A different strain? Here in the illegal UK market we have two main strain choices Take it, or leave it, are the choices :lol: No but jokes aside I have tried different ones yes. We get different stuff that works its way over here, just not a choice generally. I think it’s okay now I’m...
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    Anvil by Vestratto

    @bhasma Your response seems to have a slight defensive tone. Just to clarify, I wasn’t attacking your opinion, just adding context and my own experience. And that of the inventor themselves. Maybe it didn’t come across well, apologies if so. And to answer with regards to my issue, we might...
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    Anvil by Vestratto

    Is that a thing that happens? I’ve only had the issue of the top of the load being undercooked relative to the bottom. The anvil naturally has a gradient in AVB colour that John spoke about in this thread, back when he participated. It’s also noticeable in the Dani fusion, a vape that I find...
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    Anvil by Vestratto

    Read my first post, you’ll see I DD’d the anvil for a year. I also stated I didn’t like convection vapes, am a big fan of a roasty signature :) My current DD is a dynavap with AC, for reference. What this is, is charring. Not the roasty taste I know and love. Weird, annoyingly hard to isolate...
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    Anvil by Vestratto

    If you read my first post you’ll see I’ve bought extra bowls. In fact, a bought a whole new anvil. I’ve really done everything I can to explore and tick off every possible hardware variable. I have actually damaged a clicker from an ISO soak before, so I know exactly what you mean. Current...
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    Dynavap VapCap

    Just wanted to throw in my thoughts on the Armoured Cap, as it seems like it came and went without really getting the hype it deserves. Like most DV stuff, there’s a learning curve and fitment that needs tweaking. I feel a lot of people that binned off the armoured cap never really got past...
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    Anvil by Vestratto

    I’ll have a go! Actually have an O-ring mega pack. My new duracore is a month old but you never know! I’ve also heard that the airflow setting can affect extraction. As in, lower airflow can roast harder than a more open one. I keep mine open permanently, so maybe I’m creating a bottleneck...
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    Anvil by Vestratto

    Yes, it’s very strange. I made this account just to ask about it, as I’ve not seen a single account of my issue either here or Reddit. Brown AVB with a charred taste is something I had no idea was even possible. I know I’m not going crazy, because I can “RTL” both my Dani and AC’d dynavap...
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    Anvil by Vestratto

    This is more or less what I’ve been doing if you read my post back. I’ll add that I am using the grind I’ve always used with anvil and had no issue with, and tried a few different strains. Tried hand breaking too for a more coarse, convection friendly load. I’m usually a very methodical...
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    Anvil by Vestratto

    I’m seriously hoping you guys can help me, I’m at my wits end with this vape! So I’ve been a long time anvil user, since march ‘22. Absolutely no issues, was my DD up until the TA drop and then I sold my anvil. Decided I wasn’t really into convection dominant vapes, so sold the TA and luckily...
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