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    Herborizer corner

    sticks if grafts are moist, press too hard
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    Herborizer corner

    thank you, I read all the pages, it was precisely with that post that my doubts arose and I went to check the settings which are different I wrote to SEb, tomorrow he will send me the new injector and controller waiting for me to return mine
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    Herborizer corner

    come hai impostato i menu del controller? ho pid p 006 io 007 d 001 la temperatura non è stabile, scende e sale rapidamente anche di 40°C ammette che è una grande delusione aver speso quasi 600 euro e dopo aver atteso una settimana, ricevere l'erborizzatore difettoso
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    Herborizer corner

    hi, today the herborizer digiti arrived, but I can't find the manuals to make the temperature control work, I don't know how it works and the temperature is unstable I think I have a new versiondont grave this manual
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