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  1. Hoodwink

    Dr Dabber Switch 2

    Didn’t work for me either on Puffco site. However, it DID work on Vape-Smart!
  2. Hoodwink

    Arizer Solo 3

    Thank you
  3. Hoodwink

    Arizer Solo 3

    Couldn’t figure out a way to search for this so I’m asking: do aftermarket Sold II stems fit the Solo III as well?
  4. Hoodwink

    Venty by Storz & Bickel

    Yes. Me. Ordered an original Venty. Zero issues. Applied update, no issues.
  5. Hoodwink

    Nautilus 2nd Gen Dry Herb Vaporizer By Cipher

    I found the churchwarden‘s airflow restricted compared to the stock mouthpiece. The mfg said they preferred it that way. So mine is stuck in a drawer.
  6. Hoodwink

    Yocan Cylo Wax Pen That You Must Know About

    I have one. I’ve totally neglected my Venty and TM2 since it’s come in. Quite impressive.
  7. Hoodwink

    Venty Shipping & Ordering Thread

    Ordered 11/20. Shipped 11/25. Arrived today 11/30. location DFW USA
  8. Hoodwink

    Venty by Storz & Bickel

    On Storz website and looking at Orders, does anyone here know what “Captured” refers to? Usually I see things like “Order Received” or “In Progress” but never saw “Captured“ before. May be a Euro thing, I suppose. Asking here first as I imagine Storz has plenty (!) on their plate right now...
  9. Hoodwink

    Venty by Storz & Bickel

    This may be a “bit soon” since Storz just restarted selling the Venty, but anybody have suggestions re: accessories, stems, etc?
  10. Hoodwink

    TinyMight / TM 2

    Looks great! Where’d ya get it?
  11. Hoodwink

    Why do my hands ache after grinding?

  12. Hoodwink

    Favourite Quotes

    We used that in the 60’s during the Vietnam - USA war.
  13. Hoodwink

    alternative views and methods

    This forum is for people who strongly don’t like combustion, preferring vaporising. Does anyone know of the exact opposite as an alternative? Like people who strongly don’t like vaping, preferring combustion?
  14. Hoodwink

    mighty liquid pads are now unobtanium...

    Got mine from EBay. Work just fine.
  15. Hoodwink

    TinyMight / TM 2

    Not everyone has access to Instagram.
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