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  1. PD Land

    Pax - All Models

    The magnetic charging contacts get dirty/corroded . PAX is Pammy's daily driver , obviously she like it's function , but she had trouble with the charger connection . I'm not a fan of magnetic charging connections , I have a flashlight and a cart vape with similar problems . HINT: a pencil...
  2. PD Land

    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    Hey friends, It's been 6 months since my last post. I'm still alive . Given the 50/50 odds they gave me , I'm happy to still be kicking it . BUT . . . Wasting our time in Eastern Washington seemed sorta dumb . Sitting around watching TV waiting on the Reaper ... Groundhog Day ... except...
  3. PD Land

    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    Cheers back at you , IAmKrazy2 . Ash ... yeah that brings up the wood factor . I really enjoyed the different woods , but... Variable density , sustainability , availability of 3" stock , other factors . . . The dust, even with good dust collection was causing Pammy problems and boring some...
  4. PD Land

    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    Hey , Tonuzi . Hey , Jolly . Vitolo, of course your work in the Medical Community makes you aware of some high tech solutions , like the 'vibrating device (artificial larynx)' . Even if I could use one , at about $500 for the equivalent of rechargable dildo (what a ripoff ! ) ... anyway if you...
  5. PD Land

    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    Hey friends, MacBill , like you said nobody gets out alive . But I am doing quite well . Surgery was drastic , radiation sucked , but IF they got it all I'm "OK for another 10 years" , just have to live with it . JeffP , hey , how's the Rat Race ? Hope you are well . Vitolo , good to hear...
  6. PD Land

    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    "Sadly, we have decided to leave FC and never return. At the same time we have had a chance to re-evaluate our position as a vaporizer manufacturer. Many factors went into the decision. It is in the best interest, of our family, to pursue other avenues." - Late December 2011 10 years ago ... a...
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