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  1. Bluesman

    Explain how u feel in 2 words or less.

    jus bloozin
  2. Bluesman


    What a stem!!! Is it one of Ed's creations? I MUST have one! :D
  3. Bluesman


    Congrats Mom. Those are some beauties you have there. Rick, awsome woodturning and wood selection. You have achieved a perfect synthesis of art and function. Hats off to you bro. Looking forward to ordering one soon.
  4. Bluesman

    Discontinued The Woodeez Vaporizer/Diffuser

    Same here. And I just picked up a cocobolo stem from Ed, which takes it to a whole new "high". I really enjoy my woodeez. I put microscopic amounts of herb in the chamber and get nicely buzzed. I blow out decent clouds of flavorfull vapor. I recommend this unit if you're on a tight budjet. I'm...
  5. Bluesman

    Welcome to Fuck Combustion...Tell us about yourself here!

    If I wanna keep on blowin' da Blues with my harmonica, I gotta keep on vapin, ya'll understand. Fire in the lungs ain't good for nobody!
  6. Bluesman


    Hey, that's cool. I blow harmonica. Just need to find ourselfves a bass and drums, and we can start us up the FC Vapin' Vagabond Blues Band. :D
  7. Bluesman


    You don't need much herb when vaping through a log vape. Two stems at most and I'm done. Six stems and I'd be putting my pants on backwards and shoes on the wrong feet.
  8. Bluesman

    Get Hammered

    Cool idea. The only drawback I see is that the airflow might be lessened because the process of pounding the wires should flatten them out somewhat. I dunno...I have a small screen I want to install in my woodeez that's too loose right now. I'll give it a try!
  9. Bluesman

    I smoked a blunt last night...

    Even though I exclusively vape these days, I don't see combustion in an entirely negative light. There is something very primal about burnt cannabis that evokes a certain spirituality, a burnt offering of sorts to the Great Spirit. When approached in a sacrimental sort of way and reserved for...
  10. Bluesman

    All "Log Vape" Owners mojo been workin' real fine lately! :)
  11. Bluesman

    All "Log Vape" Owners

    I bought the very first log vape produced, the Eterra Classic, around ten years ago. It is still going strong. This year I purchased a Woodeez as a back up, and I'm really enjoying it as well. I plan on picking up a Rockzap as soon as I scroung up some dough. What I like about these vapes is...
  12. Bluesman

    Terpenes, Terpernoids, and Cannabis

    Yea, I suppose I got a bit carried away there. I vape for buzz of course, but flavor is hugely important to me. When I combust, which is rare these days, I'm reminded of how bad combusted herb tastes compared to vaporiized herb. Even hash is so much more flavorful vaporized than combusted...
  13. Bluesman

    Terpenes, Terpernoids, and Cannabis

    Good read. Terpenoids = Aroma and Flavor. That's why I vape. Only vaporizing can reveal the full range of subtle flavors that cannabis has. I vape for the flavor...the buzz is secondary, a welcome bonus.
  14. Bluesman


    Hey, Thanks Magic9 and Mom for chiming in. I've been vaporizing for at least 10 or so years. I thought I was in a minority, hardly anyone else out there doing it, and then I stumble accross this forum with a whole nation of vaporheads like me! Damn, what do they call that...serdendipidy or...
  15. Bluesman


    Rick, I'm looking forward to saving up enough gig money to pick up one of your new Rockzaps. I've been vaping through this type of design since the first Eterra Classic hit the market many years ago. You've made some great strides forward with the insulated heating chamber (My Eterra developed a...
  16. Bluesman

    Ed's TnT Wooden Vapor Tubes & Vapor Stems

    My first post here. Hello brothers and sisters, who appreciate as I do the way of the vapor. Just wanna say I got myself a cocobolo tube from Ed the other day and I'm really diggin' it. She looks right, feels right, tastes right. Goodby plastic.
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