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  1. Cage

    Sticky Brick Labs Vaporizer Not sure if anyone's ever tried this, but I found the center of my runts bowl always burned the hottest, so I took a step drill(I know I'm sorry 😞) and drilled it out, it made the center heat spot go away and I still stir but you don't have to near as much! To me it's a...
  2. Cage

    Sticky Brick Labs Vaporizer

    My hotrod stopped heating up :( miss it on a brick! When you said neo were you refering to the prrl labs neo?
  3. Cage

    Sticky Brick Labs Vaporizer

    Was the rubber to seal the glass lower down then the in the OG's? Looks cool just seeing wood and glass with out a o-ring in view
  4. Cage

    Sticky Brick Labs Vaporizer Has a small rubber to help seal. The length of the stem seems to help, i really like it, iv tried balls, screens and others things that i usually liked less, but the plenty stem with a small rubber to help seal made me hang up my og brick...
  5. Cage

    Sticky Brick Labs Vaporizer

    If anyone has a old plenty try the cooling stem in a runt! You wont be able to see the draw like with glass but if you've used a brick enough to know your technic the old plenty stem does quite a good job cooling! Looks silly though lol -_-
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