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  1. KievanRus882

    Dynavap VapCap

    M+ is the best dynavap yet, i love it :)
  2. KievanRus882

    Dani Fusion by Battery-free Ganz

    I just ordered The Dani Fusion with Special Metal Stem and Rosewood Water Piece Adaptor , looking forward to trying it!
  3. KievanRus882

    BAKx - bake all kinds

    I got 049, I will buy some accessories later, this looks like the best vape ever :mmmm:
  4. KievanRus882

    AirVape Legacy Pro

    I've been waiting over a month also, i just emailed them.
  5. KievanRus882

    Ispire Wand, enail&vaporizer

    is it safe to use ISO wipes on the actual wand heating part?, I've never cleaned it and its my main dab device and its getting really sticky,
  6. KievanRus882

    BAKx - bake all kinds

    I'm having trouble finding Sinuous Predator 228 in canada, its sold out, and wismec won't ship to Canada, is there any other options for mods?
  7. KievanRus882

    Induction Heater MAD Heaters - Innovative Dynavap Accessories

    I just received Gen 2 Revolve finally, it looks a big improvement from gen 1!
  8. KievanRus882

    **Ball vape comparison megathread** Compare your balls.

    I have B0 already and a Freight Train Pro Engine coming in the mail, I'll be able to compare them soon!
  9. KievanRus882

    Old Head Freight Train

    Will Fright Train work with CH Controller?
  10. KievanRus882

    Xmax Starry GIVEAWAY!

    Taste & vaporpath is most imporant for me.
  11. KievanRus882

    Anvil by Vestratto

    I'm not getting good airflow with it, vapor comes out slowly, its installed properly everything and sealed, i'll try adjusting it, and maybe get better results.
  12. KievanRus882

    Anvil by Vestratto

    I'm not getting results with Integrated stem, might go back to original.
  13. KievanRus882

    LAST vape NEXT vape

    Last Vape: Proxy Next Vape in the mail: B Zero Next Next Vape: Tinymight 2
  14. KievanRus882

    Anvil by Vestratto

    I bought x2 integrated Stems, I hope it will be worth it!
  15. KievanRus882

    Puffco Proxy

    vape of the year, i love the proxy :leaf:
  16. KievanRus882

    Dynavap VapCap

    I love Anvil,, but i bought two Full Metal Jacket's to see how it compares.
  17. KievanRus882

    Anvil by Vestratto

    I picked up second users edition with silver mist heat shield! Now I have two users editions + one founders.
  18. KievanRus882

    Anvil by Vestratto

    XL Bowls get you to space, worth getting :rockon:
  19. KievanRus882

    Anvil by Vestratto

    I got my Blazer Firefox today, now i should get some better results
  20. KievanRus882

    Anvil by Vestratto

    Anyone know if the The XL Mouthpiece works with the founders edition Anvil?
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