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  1. NightCall

    Cannabis Hardware (formerly NewVape) FlowerPot Twax Vaporizer

    Yea so last night I loaded a bowl and put a thc crystal on top. First time I ever tried that. I was sitting on the carpet and took a fat rip off it. Then I just set my weed eater on the carpet? Coughed a bunch, caught my breath then went to reach for it and noticed it melting it into the...
  2. NightCall

    Cannabis Hardware (formerly NewVape) FlowerPot Twax Vaporizer

    Sorry to ask, as I'm sure it's been asked over and over again; what's the best use scenario for longevity of coils? I just got it yesterday, a little warry of leaving it on all day long like my log vape, so I just turned the FP on when I wanted to use it, and turned it off 10 minutes later...
  3. NightCall

    Underdog Log Vapes

    Hey just wanted to give and update: Spoke with Dave and determined mine was running a little cold. He sent me a new VVPS (this one goes up to 12.4) and I decided I wanted to buy a 12v wall wart too. It just came today and I tried it out a little while ago with the new VVPS, seems to have done...
  4. NightCall

    Underdog Log Vapes

    Hey guys I'm a proud new owner of a figured walnut underdog. I'm quite liking everything about it except for one thing; it's ability to take my herb to a nice dark brown ABV. I've been experimenting the last 3 nights and so far no matter what I tried yields those results. light brown/dark...
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