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  1. E

    The Magic-Flight Box

    Can you tell me the differences? Thanks.
  2. E

    The Magic-Flight Box

    True. Added link above, being that there are several Launch Box "items" on Amazon. This seller, VapeMaster, seems on the level. Five-star rating.
  3. E

    The Magic-Flight Box

    Just noticed the Magic Flight is $77.49 NEW on Amazon right now with free shipping. Good deal!
  4. E

    The Extreme-Q Vaporizer

    Well, I read through 1/2 the thread, and add me to the people who love their Arizer EQ! I've been trying to get an answer for the best way to vaporize hash and other concentrates in the EQ without having to use bud, and looking at one of my dirty elbow screens, I think I stumbled across the...
  5. E

    Bump this thread if you're VAPED now!

    My first post and a fitting one. Been enjoying lurking since I got my Extreme Q a week ago. Love everything about it. Thinking about getting a Launch Box. :ko:
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