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  1. movies


    Thanks to VGoodiez, I have five Vapmans now.... But I'm going to have to buy at least one or two of the new line when they become available. Still basically only using my Vapmans with an occasional rare Dreamwood Roasty session.
  2. movies


    I understand how surprising what I've been saying is. For me personally I can definitely tell a difference between the effects of convection vs. conduction, and conduction is capable of putting me to sleep easily- whereas convection, unless I'm using a very sedative strain will not put me to...
  3. movies


    Loving the Yew so much now. Thanks Dattisso! I took it out of the J hook and have been using it native again. Super pleasurable experience. Great news! My experiences with your store so far has been incredible, so I'm extremely happy to hear you will be receiving more stock. I plan on buying a...
  4. movies


    Thanks for the warm welcome and tips everyone! My Tinymight and bricks are going to be gathering dust. Honestly wasn't the biggest fan of the Tinymight anyways. Hate using batteries, the hits are less satisfying to me than with my bricks, but really now that I'm getting the Vapman down better...
  5. movies


    Thanks for the welcome! I slightly loosened the filter as I had it too tight from when I cleaned it out the other day. I just took the Yew for a spin and had an amazing session. It was incredible. I started with two 4 second heatings separated by two seconds. Then just did 4 seconds, inhale and...
  6. movies


    Thanks for the welcome. This vaporizer is absolutely incredible. I'm thinking about getting a BCG myself soon. It's hard for me to justify though as I do own a few Space Cases, an SCS, etc. haha. I'll try a more medium grind from my SCS and see if that works better as it's less messy than the...
  7. movies


    Grabbed a basic Walnut from VGoodiez a couple weeks back. Within a couple of days I ordered a Yew, and a Pear tree classic. I've tried a lot of vapes over the years, and thought it really didn't get better for me personally than Sticky Bricks. Then I tried Vapman. I'm so thankful I was able to...
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