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  1. I

    Log vape tube cleaning vials? This was a great buy for me, helps me clean shit up real nice.
  2. I

    Creating the Trifecta

    Haha, well let's work on buying one then increasing the collection
  3. I

    Creating the Trifecta

    Portable vapes are awesome, but i don't like the butane associated with the iolite if i'm going portable i feel like MFLB is the way, i appreciate the info though. There's only one true way to settle this. Save up like 2 grand and buy them all then see which one i like the best :ko:
  4. I

    Creating the Trifecta

    Nope i never did. Still doing my research, looking to make my purchase within the next week or so. Lovin' the advice though guys, it's truly magnificent.
  5. I

    Creating the Trifecta

    Haha well i love the positive feedback given about both these products and it definitely has me checking out all the details by them. As discrete as it is, if i just have it plugged in all the time sitting on a table, desk, etc i say bothered because some people aren't "comfortable" around...
  6. I

    Creating the Trifecta

    My issue is that i can't leave it running all the time, i have many people not just parents that could walk into my room and be bothered by it.
  7. I

    Creating the Trifecta

    Hmmm good to know then actually, because from all the things i read it said it took it a long time to reach that right temperature. I'd like to get either one of these but i'd rather not be waiting a long time for my toking :)
  8. I

    Creating the Trifecta

    Yeah i was thinking of perhaps looking more into whips. Bags are just cool i suppose. Also the reason i truly would be more interested in getting bags is because i'm from NY, go to school in MI. So my buddies live in Michigan so when i'm home it would be nice to have bags. But in the end i guess...
  9. I

    Creating the Trifecta

    Sorry bit of a stoner mentality with the days "daze" mixup.
  10. I

    Creating the Trifecta

    Also i suppose i could go over 200, but the point i was making was I really would rather not spend the money on a vape like the cloud or volcano
  11. I

    Creating the Trifecta

    I was definitely looking into the Purple Daze, being that it is incredible well recommended but i'm curious as to how the temperature control works? It says there just isnt one
  12. I

    Creating the Trifecta

    Two of my best friends at school have vaporizers, we all love them. We can appreciate a good bong sesh but nothing beats a vaporizer...lets get serious. My roommate has the Extreme Q and my other buddy who lives two doors down has the HerbalAire 2.1. I'm looking to get a different vape if...
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