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  1. R

    Vaping in a Car.....

    Of course you should! Cars are auper-awesome to get high in. You have a reclining chair, cool pedal things to keep your feet busy, wheel to tap your fingers to the beat on your bumpin stereo, aircon, room for all your friends and a swift means of escape should the apocalypse strike. IMHO you're...
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    Healthy cannaproducts?

    Well I DID make a firecracker out of whole rye crackers and organic peanut butter. That's not too unhealthy at all. And jeepers. I need to invest in better scales. I just kept getting higher and higher. I only think I used about 2g of ABV. The olive oil is turning a lovely shade of murk. Can't...
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    Healthy cannaproducts?

    Okay - well, after much admittedly very vaked consideration :brow:, I think there are two ways forward with, as herbgirl says, non diabetic-coma inducing recipes. FIrst is the olive oil - a bottle is being steeped and will be left so for at least a week with constant turning and a pretty fine...
  4. R

    My Great Vape Experiment - Exercise and Vaping

    @ Elluzion... shhhhhh... :ninja: You're right... but we don't want anyone else knowing that. I run farther, faster and with less pain when vaked. Hell, before vaping I'd even hit bongs an hour before sometimes, even though it made my lungs feel like a teabag with a knot in it. The THC puts you...
  5. R

    My Great Vape Experiment - Exercise and Vaping

    Maybe slightly OT, but all I can say is I booted cigs three months ago and never coughed up a thing (like horrible lungbutter, usually a sign your lungs are clearning shop). I was stillk combusting weed (mixwd with tabac, in the Euro/Anglo way), but I credit this with helping me boot cigs as I...
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    Healthy cannaproducts?

    I looked at both of them, anf the first seems very effective yet fiddly and the second too much like the meds I eat daily anyway! If I add another capsule to the regimen I'll forget an important one, I bet. I'm wondering about fat-solubility re edibles and whether it is a requirement -...
  7. R

    Healthy cannaproducts?

    Hey! So, just switched to vaping fulltime and am loving it! The idea of AVB goodness really appeals to me, especially as it will still give me the the couchlock effect I miss right now. I made up some regular old brownies with a mess of AVB I had and it walloped me outta the park. So awesome...
  8. R

    Coughing and vaping: totally natural or am I doing it wrong?

    I had huge problems with this - first with my V-Tower whip (even when run through a bong), and then with my MFLB. It's extra-frustratiing because you can safely assume the same chemicals are present in combusted smoke... along with 400 pf their bestest, harshest buddies. So it made no sense but...
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    The Magic-Flight Box

    Not sure if this is the right place to put this but... I've just gotten my hands on a LB over the past few days and I'd love to share my experiences coming to terms with this awesome (if temperamental!) little vape! When I first got it, I thought it sucked. I thought it sucked hard. I was...
  10. R

    Broken heater cover on older V-Tower

    Hey Cheers to everyone who responded to my first-ever post about asthma - really useful advice and I got a lot out of it, so thank you. I have a slightly different problem now I was hoping for some help with! I have a regular V-Tower (non-bag version). It's not the Q - I got it two years ago...
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    Newly diagnosed asthmatic

    Wow - great story, Shortwind. I'm really pleased you've found a way to get herb - and also that you find vaping acceptable to your lungs. THis heartens me. I just got my MFLB literally an hour ago and my first hit was a bit harsh; however, I'm used to my V-Tower whip through a waterpipe when I...
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    Newly diagnosed asthmatic

    LivingInSpin - you're right. It's been a transformative three months. Something's gotta get tired or start clanking eventually. I agree with your outlook on diagnoses as well. He seemed kinda brisque and was nearly going 'ummmmmm...' when deciding why my chest sounds like an emphysema...
  13. R

    how fast does THC enter the bloodstream?

    95 per cent of what you will absorb is absorbed in the first three seconds. I get that from the Vaporpedia entry on the MFLB. The designers (who I assume wrote the article) state it as fact, and they've nothing to gain from stating non-fact so I believe them. There's a certain amount of THC the...
  14. R

    Getting 2-3 times more vapor from better herb?

    Oh, for sure. I was lucky enough to have a flatmate who was a master and he got great genetics - we had a strain called Cleverman that was sugary, almost. Google it up. Cleverman is the shiz. That stuff would vape like kief, and it's a much higher quality buzz too. Like the difference between...
  15. R

    Odor out of window from vape?

    I've lived in many, many weed-unfriendly places (including supervised youth hostels), and before I could afford a vape, too. Never been caught from smell after I started these two: 1) THis concept of a sploof (had to put it in Urban Dictionary!)... it may well work - never heard of it and I...
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    Newly diagnosed asthmatic

    momofthegoons - your experience parries with most of the others I've read. I've found with cannabis the bias on both sides is a little tiresome and the best way to get the truth is to read a whole bunch of comments and see which experiences are most often related. Definitely with asthmatics who...
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    Newly diagnosed asthmatic

    "Q3: when i was using inhalers, i couldn't do aerobic exercise and that really, really pissed me off. After a year and a half of serevent, i quit cold turnkey, and now i can do my 30 minutes on the NordicTrack with no problem." Does this mean the inhaler actually made your symptoms worse? I...
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    Newly diagnosed asthmatic

    High guys Just been diganoed with asthma and I've hit the search pretty hard and found some great info. But there's a few things I'd like to ask and also to hear form other tokers who have developed asthma having no previous experience with the disorder (I'm 30). Background is I've been...
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