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  1. Indifferent FIsh

    Collyland Aromatizer (formerly Vapbong by Art of Vapor)

    Seems like a hard shell case is probably the safest bet, but it's reassuring to hear that as long as handled with care transportation should be fine. Thanks for the feedback all! Happy vaping!
  2. Indifferent FIsh

    Collyland Aromatizer (formerly Vapbong by Art of Vapor)

    Anyone have any luck finding a good transportation solution for their aromatizers? I've been looking around at some glass carrying bags but am concerned about how the heating arm would hold up in a standard padded bag. Just wondering if anyone had any luck or good options to suggest. On...
  3. Indifferent FIsh

    Collyland Aromatizer (formerly Vapbong by Art of Vapor)

    That's exactly what my tracking info looked like. Stay strong, comrade! The wait is almost over! :brow:
  4. Indifferent FIsh

    JyARz Storage Containers

    Got my Big Papis(not sure about the plural form of Papi?) And am very impressed. Filled to the brim one of them is currently holding 39 grams of big and beautiful OG X Gelato buds. That's at least a quarter more than I could cram into a mason jar comfortably fitting in the new Big Papi...
  5. Indifferent FIsh

    JyARz Storage Containers

    Awwwwwwwww yeeeeeeeeeee! Just snatched up two and look forward to grabbing two more in black when they arrive!
  6. Indifferent FIsh

    TinyMight / TM 2

    This question is a tough one to answer and is asked rather regularly... I'd like to contribute my opinion of the matter before you search back a couple of pages for the last time it was asked or further back for even more times it's been asked. (EDIT: Please don't read this as chastising or...
  7. Indifferent FIsh

    Orion Induction Heater

    A lot of board game companies have QC departments set up exclusively in China to deal with the plastic molds and factories directly... This has mixed results at best. And does nothing to alleviate all the ethical concerns of supporting an authoritarian government with an abysmal record of human...
  8. Indifferent FIsh

    TinyMight / TM 2

    SOMEONE GET THE JEHOVA'S WITNESSESS ASAP! Fidget just admitted to having Jesus in his possesion! Maybe now they'll stop asking the rest of us if we found Jesus while they're trying to get Jesus back from Fidget.
  9. Indifferent FIsh

    Dynavap VapCap

    What's this?!? An opportunity to utilize all my needless and compulsive tracking! I recently tracked my PSM over three different charge cycles over a week to answer this exact question. Using my Ti Tip I managed to get 76 clicks each time. Granted, I was fastidiously respecting the click each...
  10. Indifferent FIsh

    TinyMight / TM 2

    I can't say for certain but I'm pretty sure there is an innate smell to the Tinymight from it's oak body. Is the smell vaguely fishy? I only bring this up because I also found the smell to be very potent at the start and was a little concerned if I could tolerate such a taste in my vape. However...
  11. Indifferent FIsh

    Dynavap VapCap

    When you're right, you're really fookin' right! I'll vape to that. Cheers all and stay classy!
  12. Indifferent FIsh

    TinyMight / TM 2

  13. Indifferent FIsh

    Orion Induction Heater

    Really having an ethical dilemma regarding the Orion. On the one hand; I desperately desire the ability to charge from a battery pack, which I already posses several different kinds of. The fact that this baby is tuned to cook bowls only makes me more interested. But, and mind you this is a very...
  14. Indifferent FIsh

    Dynavap VapCap

    Speaking as one of @RustyOldNail's attorneys on this matter I would advise you to disclose this information here and now. It would save me an ass load of work...
  15. Indifferent FIsh

    TinyMight / TM 2

    I am only using my TM with the domed screen as of late, and have been loving the level of extraction I'm getting. I'm leaving a couple of millimetres between the opening of the stem and the beginning of the dome. Then I just do a straw pack and roll out. Get 2-4 solid rips depending on temps...
  16. Indifferent FIsh

    TinyMight / TM 2

    ... Take heed... That 10.5 is real...
  17. Indifferent FIsh

    Dynacrafts Hand Made Wooden Stems For Dynavap

    @Rabid Kiwi You brought my dynavap experience to the next level. Your stems have become a part of my life in the short time I've had them. I've given one of them to my cousin for a birthday gift and he also is over the moon with it. You're talent can't be stopped, and your skills are top shelf...
  18. Indifferent FIsh

    Dynavap VapCap

    Did you recently get a Caldron, too? If I'm not completely making things up, I was under the impression Pipes recently upgraded the Caldron to an 8 amp heater as opposed to the tried and true 6 amp. Again that all might be completely inaccurate, but I can corroborate your experiences with my own...
  19. Indifferent FIsh

    Dynavap VapCap

    Daaaamn... That sucks! Gonna vap a cap or two for you and your SS ccd, comrade. I've heard people talk about modding regular bowl screens for use in the tips, so maybe that's an avenue to examine today/this evening?
  20. Indifferent FIsh

    Dynavap VapCap

    We still sharing stem shots? Left to Right: Silver Galaxy Glass body w/ Titanium Tip for rapid on-the-go extraction, Dynacraft's Gurney, Jamis, and Shaddam IV stems, and a Hydravong body in front of the Sneaky Pete mini-globe. Been shuffling my 2020 Stainless Tip back and forth between the four...
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