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  1. nms

    Official CBD Discussion Thread

    Can you provide a reference of their use in witchcraft? Sorry I'm legitimately curious :D
  2. nms

    Official CBD Discussion Thread

    My only problem with trying myself is that the human brain is not that good at self-evaluating effects, reason why, all placebo trials produce some sort of effect, when they should produce none. As I am no more capable than anyone else, I have to wait for the conclusions of a scientific process...
  3. nms

    Official CBD Discussion Thread

    Can you provide the source for that statement please? I'd like to know more about that.
  4. nms

    Official CBD Discussion Thread

    I am waiting on more scientific input on CBD, it seems that research isn't moving forward very much and the studies which mention it require acute dosages for it to work(like 600mg ingested). Current consumption methods have no scientific basis and dosage is highly different than the dosages...
  5. nms

    Arizer portable heater tech discussion

    Nice work! Could you please adjust the range to see the high temperature area in more detail??
  6. nms

    Arizer portable heater tech discussion

    I'd like to see it, no one will hate you and it may help draw and discuss new conclusions. But send the color scale with the image and try to make a video of the heating cycle as well. Would be nice. Also link your camera model.
  7. nms

    Weed is not good for your heart, studies say

    Yeah but the third week I either stop or I start increasing dosage, and so on and so on and it gets harder and harder to stop. Since most times, save a few exceptions now and then I can't afford that level of consumption(due to work), I have to take a break at least every two weeks, or harshly...
  8. nms

    Weed is not good for your heart, studies say

    I can get 'accustomed' with .1 once a day for two weeks :)
  9. nms

    Weed is not good for your heart, studies say

    One accepts that taking a side is by definition pointless and wrong and does not endorse something as if it wasn't split. One can also start discussing specific things where that isn't the case, avoiding to leave that topic in order to keep value in what is discussed. If one takes a side and...
  10. nms

    Weed is not good for your heart, studies say

    With that one, I think we can all agree :)
  11. nms

    Weed is not good for your heart, studies say

    I did! I realized anyone willing to discuss these things, want to do it emotionally from whatever form of attachment they built to the subject, in a very self-rewarding way. No one wants to discuss things based on facts. So I no longer attempt to! It takes so much effort on my side to find...
  12. nms

    Microdosing Capsule Vaporizer

    I mean, a casing could take no more than 1mm additional space. I mean embedding the heating element in a almost same width metal piece. On the other way, you could just carve half the heater into the outer capsule and just insert the inner capsule, instead of both sides coming out. Just...
  13. nms

    Microdosing Capsule Vaporizer

    One other thing is that most of the heating element's surface is actually in contact with air. What if you integrated this heating element inside say a casing of a thermally but not electrically conductive material so that most of the heat generated was actually passed to the capsule, which you...
  14. nms

    Microdosing Capsule Vaporizer

    Yeah, sounds good. Have you thought that given the current design the heat may propagate towards the 'chassis' too much, causing it to become very hot and on the other side increasing the amount of wattage needed to heat the load, as heat is lost? How do you address the specific issue of...
  15. nms

    Microdosing Capsule Vaporizer

    Very cool design. Is the heating element an inductance coil or resistance? It's quite similar to a dynavap cap, I don't see why you'd use different materials. I wonder if there are airflow concerns if the air can only go through these small holes. I believe it's important for the outer part...
  16. nms

    Weed is not good for your heart, studies say

    I understand and didn't take it as disrespectful. I'm sorry to hear about your condition and most sincerely hope your treatment works, whatever it is and that you get better soon. And it was not about forcing you to back up your opinion, I was just trying to get into a more factual discussion.
  17. nms

    Weed is not good for your heart, studies say

    Anecdotal is you saying THC is anti-cancer(and obviously not everyone knows that, because I don't :), unless you consider me such substandard that I can't even be considered a person.. ), or implying that THC benefits your heart rate without backing it up with even a simple experiment. I'm not...
  18. nms

    Weed is not good for your heart, studies say

    It does provide insight to you, as you would be able to determine, for yourself if cannabis does actually have any effect on your heart rate when exercising or not, as long as stopping consumption is the only change you make. Obviously we can't transpose that data to someone else. It's not like...
  19. nms

    Weed is not good for your heart, studies say

    So if a sample were(no study in the world would pick such a sample, so if you really think this is the problem, I have to strongly disagree and provide all the studies linked before as proof) to be made of entirely overweight (IMC above 30) people from the US(both aren't true in the study I most...
  20. nms

    Weed is not good for your heart, studies say

    I agree that is a very good point. But if you read the whole study you will find they not only address this issue but clarify on a study by study basis the results found. Here's a table that resumes the result, comparing placebo vs non placebo on the different points analysed by the different...
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