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  1. B

    The Bud Toaster - (currently: Model 14, version 3)

    Thanks again Hippie ;) I've discovered where most of the errors were and it was down to the way i copied and pasted, for some reason when the code was over a certain length it put half of it on the line below.... But theirs still two errors in the macro which i don't understand: Which refers...
  2. B

    The Bud Toaster - (currently: Model 14, version 3)

    Thank you Hippie, much appreciated for the hex and your patience, When you say the macros and variables have to be at the top do you mean that i should be copying and pasting the vars and macros .asm into the main.asm as one large .asm and adding that to the source file or do you mean that I...
  3. B

    The Bud Toaster - (currently: Model 14, version 3)

    Hi there Hippie, for some reason i thought the includes would have been together so overlooked the top ones, It must have taken you a shit load of hours to write this code its hurting my head just reading through it :lol: I've still not got very far with it though but its been interesting as i...
  4. B

    The Bud Toaster - (currently: Model 14, version 3)

    Thanks for helping a newb Hippie Dickie i had copied and pasted all the pdf files as one large asm file which i think was wrong after reading your reply.... :lol: So started again and added a linker script for the 12f683 which is supplied in mpasm suite then I've created 6 .asm files by copying...
  5. B

    The Bud Toaster - (currently: Model 14, version 3)

    This is a great thread Hippie, congrats on getting to the final stages of an amazing journey, theirs not many people who would or could have taken this as far as you have. But i don't envy you on having to repeat making shit loads of these though :P I think once several Bud Toasters have been...
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