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  1. K

    Dynavap VapCap

    I appreciate the suggestion and will try it out in a bit. ATM I am away from my smoke room.
  2. K

    Dynavap VapCap

    i am pretty sure the ccd is the screen correct? If it is I don't understand why flipping it over would change anything if I get no airflow restriction without any herb and the cap off?
  3. K

    Dynavap VapCap

    I can't really say I am experiencing the same with both as the cvap is almost no airflow if none at all but the 2020m at least I can still breath but just really slowly. Thank you all for the responses by the way. I don't know if anyone will see anything but I thought maybe I would add some...
  4. K

    Dynavap VapCap

    I think you are onto something because I just tightened the cap and put it right near the top and get good airflow. I feel like it was supposed to be made so you don't have to have it that tight as on the videos I see people using the magnet to remove the cap but I guess I can deal with not...
  5. K

    Dynavap VapCap

    It has what looks like an indent on both the left and right side of the cap. The cvap doesn't have anything like this on the cap it is just round. I am not sure if those indents are the flat faces you are talking about?
  6. K

    Dynavap VapCap

    That sounds like the way I am using it actually. I breath it straw like and get a tiny little wisp of air on my tongue and than open the airpath. It does hit really heavy when I do this but I just felt like it wasn't usual to have barely any airflow and was wondering if others were the same. The...
  7. K

    Dynavap VapCap

    not really only if i get it right near the top and I don't really know how to get it to stay in position while being able to pull the cap off with the magnet. The weird thing is I have gotten a couple of good rips off of it but very few. When I do get good airflow it is only when the cap is...
  8. K

    Dynavap VapCap

    @TommyDee Thanks for the reply. I am doing these tests without anything packed. It appears to be the cap is the problem as it is what is causing the airflow issue.
  9. K

    Dynavap VapCap

    Hi, I am new to the forums and the vapcap and was wondering if it is normal to have barely any airflow through the 2020m. I get harsh rips every time because the way I have to hit it is create pressure with the airflow valve closed and than open it to get the vapor that was built up. Hitting it...
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