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  1. F

    The Magic-Flight Box

    That's the difference between the two beta PA :peace:
  2. F

    The Magic-Flight Box

    It may be called ... beta V.2 ... I already had a PA Beta (V1) in my hands and I can see the changes with the new PA recently ordered by a friend, rubber feet, the cylindrical body of another metal and engravings. I do not think it will still make other changes or ... ?
  3. F

    The Magic-Flight Box

    another picture of the new PA :peace:
  4. F

    The Magic-Flight Box

    I confirm, I just got a PA, it is well with rubber feet, Magic-Flight logo and adjustable on power engraved on it. Online sales should start soon.
  5. F

    The Magic-Flight Box

    I also think it would be desirable to divide this post. Almost 400 pages, it's been a long read ... especially as there are many things interresting ... but when you want to find information, it is more difficult and very long. :peace:
  6. F

    The Magic-Flight Box

    I just got my PA ... life has changed :lol: ... is perfect in taste and steam ;) ... really recommended, although a design a little rustic but very very effective :lol: Thank Magic-Flight
  7. F

    The Magic-Flight Box

    However, there is not much space to drill a hole ;)
  8. F

    The Magic-Flight Box

    but it seems there is a change in the bottom of the bowl, not as "rectangular" but cylindrical (soory for my english) ;)
  9. F

    The Magic-Flight Box

    if it can help you, here is a technical drawing found on the web
  10. F

    The Magic-Flight Box

    Hello everyone, 7 days after my order, I just got my MFLB .... very very nice ... I just try really really cool .... you know what? I'm so happy .... I quickly order the AC adapter:lol::lol:
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