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  1. W

    Buying/Selling on paypal (in regards to our used vaporizers section)

    How do these transactions typically go here in the vaping community? Do you all just rely on the trust among the vapists of the community, or does paypal offer protection from scamming as well? I mean... surely you guys aren't just paypaling hundreds of dollars to users you've never met, right?
  2. W

    Any TOOL fans?

    So my sister pointed me to this TOOL 'easter egg' today... and I can't stop listening due to its slight mind-blowingness... I'm also vaping some nice OG Kush right now (the taste really is pretty phenomenal ha). anyways... I thought I'd post the link so you all could give this a listen to. I'd...
  3. W

    Pollen Presses

    So, I noticed that we have a herb grinder thread, but no pollen press one. I wanted to ask what your all's experience was with these nifty gadgets... I'm thinking of going with the space case or mendo presses, but there's also T-handle ones... some look cheap, and I don't want to waste 30-40...
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