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  1. M


    Hey, I've been real busy lately but decided to stop by and check out the zap forum again. I have a question about cleaning too, does anyone else run into the problem of material falling out of the stem and onto the heat port? Because of this I was wondering, is it was possible to clean the...
  2. M


    Got my walnut zap yesterday in the mail and have been having a lot of fun. It looks awesome, functions well, and has met all my expectations. Now that I have a zap, I have a couple questions: What are some tips for taking pulls from the tooty? I've been able to get pretty decent draws but...
  3. M


    Planning on ordering a Zap soon and was wondering if its worth it to have the third stem? That's really the only deciding point I'm having between the best deal going and the myrtlezap.
  4. M

    MFLB or Da Buddha?

    Still have a couple questions: What is the differences are between the aromazap with myrtlewood and the mrytlezap? From what I've read its one less tube, no flower thing, and no scented oils, is that it? Also carb or no carb? The aromazap website has a special for "the best deal going" for...
  5. M

    MFLB or Da Buddha?

    Some I'm prolly going to get a MZ since PDs are on backorder (I haven't checked but I'm guessing that will be the case from what I've read on hear). But I was wondering what the differences are between the aromazap with myrtle wood and the mrytlezap? From what I've read its one less tube, no...
  6. M

    MFLB or Da Buddha?

    haha sounds good
  7. M

    MFLB or Da Buddha?

    Yeah thats what I figured, it was a kinda dumb question. So is the best way to buy the PD straight from manufacturer?
  8. M

    MFLB or Da Buddha?

    Lwien what's your opinion of the PD versus the Buddha (saw on past vapes that you've had/used one). Also is the buddha similar to a pinch slide in the sense that the pinch slide gets you more fucked up but less efficient? Is the buddha efficient at all? (Sorry if redundant in questions but...
  9. M

    MFLB or Da Buddha?

    After doing more research would the MZ or PD be better if the main reason I'm getting a vape is to conserve? I've read that the SSV is good for getting you ripped in a hurry and assume the DBV works similar. If I wanna get ripped in a hurry I can always milk a bong til I regret it :D.
  10. M

    MFLB or Da Buddha?

    So I am looking into getting a vaporizer to conserve and just because I want one. From r/trees I discovered the MFLB and if you've never been to r/trees, let me tell you, they love the MFLB. But some things I don't like about it are having to recharge the batteries and an uncontrollable vape...
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