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  1. P

    The Magic-Flight Box

    Got my PA yesterday and it is as awesome as everyone says. Didn't think that I could love my MFLB any more, but I was wrong. Might be the only method I take my medicine from now on. :cool:
  2. P

    Swamp Water / Golden Dragon a use for your abv/avb

    Just made my first batch of swampwater using everclear 151, 6 grams abv of dank vaped via mlfb, cheesecloth, and dropper from old gingko goloba. soaked for a couple of hours, shaked, and strained. did a water bath to evaporate. Taking a dropper under the tongue was terrible. Put another dropper...
  3. P

    The Magic-Flight Box

    Been researching vaporizers for about a week and was still unsure today when I went to a headshop today to look around. The only thing holding me back from pulling the trigger before was the battery issue. When I asked about the Magic Flight Box the chick behind the counter swooned. Said it was...
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