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  1. Jgott56

    Boundless Tera

    i guess I wouldn’t either if I wasn’t getting light-headed after every hit. Even with cbd flower.
  2. Jgott56

    Boundless Tera

    mine begins AIAK where was your first one from?
  3. Jgott56

    Boundless Tera

    I’ll put in my batteries, close the door and the unit will be on without me having to press the middle button 5 times. Is that normal or is that some kind of malfunction? it’s not heating up. It’s just sitting at a low temp if I press any button once to bring up the display it’s usually in...
  4. Jgott56

    Boundless Tera

    Mouthpiece on or off?
  5. Jgott56

    Boundless Tera

    Need some advice folks. I’ve had the Tera for 2 days. Day 1: soaked and washed the mouthpieces in hot water and soap. Iso swabbed oven and did 4 500 degree burn-offs blowing into air intake. Didn’t see any smoke from oven. Smelled a little gross but I hoped it would go away. Day 2: more...
  6. Jgott56

    Boundless Tera

    Why a j-hook with a relatively large vape? I figured a medium sized bong with a straight downstem would be the norm.
  7. Jgott56

    Boundless Tera

    how would they know it’s a vaporizer? Isn’t in an unmarked box?
  8. Jgott56

    Arizer Solo II

    Anyone try these Solo stems? If you have I’d love to hear your thoughts. 3D FLOW AROMA TUBE FOR SOLO2/AIR2: TWO-TONE SMOKEY QUARTZ ON CLEAR 80MM CURVE...
  9. Jgott56

    Boundless Tera

    Just ordered a Tera yesterday! Excited to join the community. I plan on reading through the whole thread(I’m on page 25 at the moment) but I have a few quick questions so I can have everything when the Tera arrives. Will healthy rips fury 2 dosage capsules fit or do I need S&B dosage capsules...
  10. Jgott56

    Milaana 3

    Is the Milaana 3 made in China or was that version 2?
  11. Jgott56

    Arizer ArGo

    yup. That’s my only issue with it as well. I’d prefer to get another 2-3 hits off the material and have it get a bit more brown. i think using the dosage baskets help get a little more out of it.
  12. Jgott56

    Dynavap VapCap

    November 2020 ‍:bang:
  13. Jgott56

    Cannabis Hardware (formerly NewVape) FlowerPot Twax Vaporizer

    For many people principles factor into their purchase decisions. The social media stuff seems like the tip of the iceberg.
  14. Jgott56

    Cannabis Hardware (formerly NewVape) FlowerPot Twax Vaporizer

    It's like the movie Memento. They can't remember what happened yesterday.
  15. Jgott56

    Fluxer Heaters, induction heaters for Dynavap

    Maybe you've addressed this already but are you installing the new battery pack electrical insulator in the Flux Deluxes you're making now?
  16. Jgott56

    Cannabis Hardware (formerly NewVape) FlowerPot Twax Vaporizer

    Yeah. No. The "juicy drama" you're referring to is lots of people saying that they'll never support your company. I think you've confused with the expression "All publicity is good publicity." This is most certainly not publicity that's going to get you more business.
  17. Jgott56

    Cannabis Hardware (formerly NewVape) FlowerPot Twax Vaporizer

    You're crazy man. They're paying reviewers to give positive reviews and NEVER say anything that could be perceived as negative. If they do give a critical review they will get booted from the program. How can you say that "you see where Edwin is coming from?"
  18. Jgott56

    Brilliant Cut Grinder

    High quality pics or you never got it.
  19. Jgott56

    Arizer ArGo

    Arizer veterans! I'm new to the brand and the only arizer piece I own is the ArGo. How would you say the ArGo compares to the solo 2 or air 2? Do you get better extraction with the bigger units? I'm just curious if I ever need to get a solo2 or air2 after already owning the ArGo or if I have...
  20. Jgott56

    Milaana 3

    I'd rather Ryan make changes to the Milaana to make it better all around than limit his thinking so that it can fit in your pocket. I'm sure most people would feel the same since "pocketability" was probably never really high on the "reasons to own a milaana" list.
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