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  1. Lift Innovations

    Herb Grinders

    Sorry in advance - this does seem like a bit of an advertisement - but in reality, that's what it is. What we do is to remove the machining grooves that cause the material to have something to attach on to in the first place. The magnified picture on the left has grooves from machining, the...
  2. Lift Innovations

    Herb Grinders

    You're welcome. Thanks Stu for getting the Image to work.
  3. Lift Innovations

    Herb Grinders

    Crap - I'll fix, thanks for the tip!
  4. Lift Innovations

    Herb Grinders

    Thanks, It's not that complicated - just finding the time right now is hard. let me know if this clears things up? Modnote: Edited to display image
  5. Lift Innovations

    Herb Grinders

    It'll be 90 hour of snacking and 10 hours of working!
  6. Lift Innovations

    Herb Grinders

    Hey Loving that the grinder has been serving you well! Thanks for supporting us in the beginning. For the Ultra-fine disc, we could make a disc with just smaller holes - but I know that won't be good enough. We want to get it right and to do that we're going to have to do some changes like...
  7. Lift Innovations

    Herb Grinders

    I mentioned that our grinder cuts a few millimeters at a time.......lets say 2 mm so 25 to 100 times surface area would be 2 x 25mm to 3 x100mm = 50mm (about 2 inches) to 2 x100mm = 200mm (about 8 inches) Sorry I put the mm after the multiplier instead of the distance - my bad!
  8. Lift Innovations

    Herb Grinders

    Thanks for the kind words, we spent about half of the development time on the threads and a butt load of prototypes to make them work properly - it was worth it in the end. It's the future we don't have hover cars like we thought we would, so we should at least have threads that work on our...
  9. Lift Innovations

    Herb Grinders

    We do a few things, We media tumble all our aluminum parts, this eliminates all the tiny machining grooves (the machining grooves look like record grooves under a microscope) that material adheres to - nothing to "bite" on to. The smoother the surface, the less likely anything will stick. The...
  10. Lift Innovations

    Herb Grinders

    Hey, awesome feedback. We like hearing the good and the bad. We've been making little improvements along the way, we did notice the Spinner to shaft engagement wasn't the best, so we made a little change to the chamfer on the top of the shaft. Send us an email to with a...
  11. Lift Innovations

    Herb Grinders

    It's the same design with a few updates over the years, there are a few ways a grinder can get gummed up and we've taken care of them. But you still should give ours a cleaning every couple of years or so.
  12. Lift Innovations

    Herb Grinders

    BigJr48 seems to know what he's talking about. It'd be cool if you could try one for a bit.
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