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  1. I

    Zephyr Ion

    So out of an entire 12 ft roll, you get one bag? That cant be cost effective..I mean, do people really have 5ft long bags of vapor? Must take alot of baskets...Since theres only 1 sealed end on the entire roll, there at least should have been 2-6ft rolls so a person could get 2 bags... And...
  2. I

    Zephyr Ion

    UUmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.................I may have a dumb question for Bruce or anyone else with Zephyrs..but how the HELL do you change bags????? I have one i need to replace, but when i grabbed my replacement bags-it was one 10ft bag almost. NO perforations....Its not a like a roll of trashbags, just...
  3. I

    Zephyr Ion

    Thanks Bruce, and no, it works great. Only had it a few days though, and probably turn it on about 6 times an hour. Hopefully using it more often than those that have quality smoking material wont hurt. Only other question i have is this-as long as theres 'vapors' or smoke or whatever the cloudy...
  4. I

    Zephyr Ion

    Hi to all, new to the site-first post. Was looking at getting a vape, was debating between the extreme q i believe its called(with the whip and remote and led base), and the zephyr. Read the reviews online for both, amazon and other sites, and alot of bad comments on the extreme and just 1 on...
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