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  1. Rash

    The Magic-Flight Box

    Is a stem made from PVC safe to use?
  2. Rash

    The Magic-Flight Box

    Under normal conditions, the box will not cause combustion but the colour will still turn brown and maybe even black. And I am not too sure about this but I think the green colour comes from the chlorophyll in the plant which evapourates quickly under heat, leaving behind mostly carbon (black)...
  3. Rash

    The Magic-Flight Box

    Actually, grey ashes are signs that you have combusted with your box. If your herb is black and brown mixed then you might get a few harsh tasting hits out of it, but if it looks coal tar black then you should probably dump it out and fill a new trench.
  4. Rash

    The Magic-Flight Box

    I think he meant the discharge curve when you are using the battery.
  5. Rash

    The Magic-Flight Box

    I never heard of poison being added in rubbing alcohol, I thought it was just distilled water and ethanol or isopropyl alcohol. Did it say on the label? The alcohol itself would evaporate very quickly so you don't need to worry about that. I use medical grade ethanol and it works great.
  6. Rash

    The Magic-Flight Box

    Since the rubber ring around the screen is touching the screen...would the rubber ring heat up and release toxic fumes?
  7. Rash

    The Magic-Flight Box

    Is there anyone that has a two piece space case grinder? Do they grind the herb small enough? Also, does the black (titanium coated) space case grinders work better than the normal aluminum ones?
  8. Rash

    The Magic-Flight Box

    The date above each post contains the link to that post.
  9. Rash

    The Magic-Flight Box

    Hi, I just received my mflb today and unlike some of our friends here, I have been more than impressed by it. I was surprised by the size of the box, much thinner than I expected. This was my first time using a vaporizer. When I first tried to use it, my box looked almost exactly like the...
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