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  1. Señor Negro

    Fiberglass found in Angus Enhanced

    This will be my last post about this subject as I finally had an answer from the retailer I bought my Angus from (La Centrale Vapeur) so my case is successfully closed and I don't have any intention of continuing to discuss anything about this anymore. As I was expecting from what I have seen...
  2. Señor Negro

    Fiberglass found in Angus Enhanced

    Talking about teflon does not add any information that's relevant to this topic. And, by the way, if you dare to "quote" someone please take, at least, the effort of citing the exact words that were used in that quote. You just keep talking about non related matters and deflecting what's really...
  3. Señor Negro

    Fiberglass found in Angus Enhanced

    Well, at this poing anything Yllvape has to say should be taken with a ton load sack of salt. Not buying anything from them anymore that's for sure. All I can say is that the "happy coincidence" that my unit broke with an almost perfect timing for me to notice all this drama makes me as angry...
  4. Señor Negro

    Fiberglass found in Angus Enhanced

    It has been said already by Yllvape itself that there is indeed glass fiber insulation in the r/vaporents thread answer they gave 4 days ago: The information was there for anyone that's willing to take his time to find it. I did post a capture of that reddit post in one of my coments above...
  5. Señor Negro

    Fiberglass found in Angus Enhanced

    Actually that post offers interesting information from users sharing how they are getting refunds for their AE from retailers. And more pics of a disasembled unit. It's quite useful in my opinion. We don't need updated info about the material from users, what we really need is more info from...
  6. Señor Negro

    Fiberglass found in Angus Enhanced

    Yet another update with the response I just got from the retailer I got my Anguns Enhanced from:
  7. Señor Negro

    Fiberglass found in Angus Enhanced

    As a continuation to my research I have noticed most retailers Yllvape web store shows as "autorized retailers" have deleted any entries of all devices from Yllvape (some still have accesories at sale), a few have the Angus Enhanced as "sold out" or "out of stock" and only a tiny minority of...
  8. Señor Negro

    Fiberglass found in Angus Enhanced

    Can't say for sure but as far as I know it's been said that the previous wooden versions are free from this problem. The La Centrale Vapeur response was extremely quick (which makes me think I have not been the only one reaching them): They also updated the description of the product in the...
  9. Señor Negro

    Fiberglass found in Angus Enhanced

    Sorry for the poor formating, I am in a hurry and I don't know how to make it better. Any reformating suggestions will be apreciated and I don't mind if any mod deletes the post to make me repost it better.
  10. Señor Negro

    Fiberglass found in Angus Enhanced

    Hi everyone. It's been a while since I last posted anything on this forum. I have been lurking since then but never felt like participating because even if I value a lot the huge knowledge database this forum is I always felt like it has too many people and too much content that frecuently...
  11. Señor Negro

    Discontinued Terp Torch

    Sad I have to post on threads when I get tired of reading nonsense stuff. But here I go again ... I would suggest to delete this whole page, maybe even the whole previous one too, from this thread. Including this post of mine of course. Try not to fall in this hatred game and keep on topic.
  12. Señor Negro

    Discontinued Terp Torch

    I would suggest to people that seems to love that much endless/pointless discussions to start a new thread about companies, reviewers, influencers and the like and leave this thread clean for what it really matters: The vape itself.
  13. Señor Negro

    Discontinued Hopper io

    That's a very interesting point to consider in my opinion, and I would like to dig on it based on whoever would like to share experiences. How much heat does it accumulates? How long does it take to cool down? Is it really that noticeable the difference between SS and titanium? And if that's...
  14. Señor Negro

    Discontinued Hopper io

    ^THAT^ exactly. It's quite annoying reading the same people over and over and over again talking about the same issues when there are people trying to follow this thread to read about NEW info. Please show some respect for that people, if that's not much asking. You already made your points but...
  15. Señor Negro

    SourceVapes smear campaign against VapeCritic

    Not the best idea to show the link in a public thread don't you think ?
  16. Señor Negro

    SourceVapes smear campaign against VapeCritic

    As the original article and the WayBackMachine links are now dead I suggest forum moderators to erase both to preserve @VCBud privacy.
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