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  1. M

    Checking out

    For god's sake the name of the forum is profanity... then you come in here and the mod expects holiness. It's nothing but a power trip if you ask me. I own several forums myself and I don't micromanage posts to save on hard disk space. if you can't afford disk space then close up shop or...
  2. M

    Checking out

    i didn't know there was tight control on posts not interested in walking on eggshells, thanks anyway think i'll head over to where you can be yourself with no one on your back take care and have fun
  3. M

    Video: Which Method Can Get a Dude The Highest?

    Awesome video: (Sorry if it has been posted before.) :cool:
  4. M

    Watching virgins do it for the first time... :ko:
  5. M

    Watching virgins do it for the first time...

    My friends had never done vaping before, so I guess you would call them vape virgins? Well anyway, watching the look on their faces while they were vaping for the first time was priceless! I passed my XL vape bag around and vaped up about an eighth... man they were all vaped! The next day...
  6. M

    $1 Party-Size Vape Bags at Walmart

    Here is a pic of my ABV and my unvaped herb: The ABV smells like overcooked popcorn, and is very dry and brittle. :cool:
  7. M

    $1 Party-Size Vape Bags at Walmart

    I agree. After reading a few reviews on the Herbalaire I feel my Vapormatic was the better choice of the two. People were saying you should replace the air pump on the Herbalaire with a fish pump from Walmart. I think the Vapormatic gets a bad rap - mine works great. I fill a large oven bag in...
  8. M

    $1 Party-Size Vape Bags at Walmart

    Like the Extreme or Herbalaire? Those seem to be the favs around here. Which is better? :uhoh:
  9. M

    $1 Party-Size Vape Bags at Walmart

    Thanks man! I'll get one on my next trip to the head shop. BTW - I took the party bag over some friends house and we vaped a few bags. It was big enough to pass around a few times. :brow:
  10. M

    $1 Party-Size Vape Bags at Walmart

    This baby can be passed around to seven or eight people! P.S. - It also makes a good personal session size bag without having to change bags. I get at least eight or nine huge hits off of one - perfect for a morning wake-and-bake session. :brow: Mod note: posts merged. Please use the edit...
  11. M

    Conduction Vape Bites Dust, I get a New Vapormatic Deluxe

    $299 and it is working really, really well for me. I just toked a bag and dude I am ripped and it is the best quality vapor... I have never been this high... and the vapor was like a cloud... no smoke or burnt taste at all... I never knew I could get this high without the carbon monoxide tweek...
  12. M

    Conduction Vape Bites Dust, I get a New Vapormatic Deluxe

    Maybe they listened to customer feedback. They now have a lifetime warranty: Here is something that I read on another forum: :brow:
  13. M

    Conduction Vape Bites Dust, I get a New Vapormatic Deluxe

    This one seems capable of doing what I need it to do. It is easy to load, it's digital, it has a variable thermostat, and you can adjust the air speed. What more could I ask for? :cool:
  14. M

    Conduction Vape Bites Dust, I get a New Vapormatic Deluxe

    Yes, mine is sealed tightly - no leaks (I checked). They must have corrected the problem. All of the documentation and packaging seems professional, and the unit works great so far. :cool:
  15. M

    Conduction Vape Bites Dust, I get a New Vapormatic Deluxe

    If you're wondering where I got that extra-large bag from, Walmart has a sale on them - two for $2.00. Big enough for the whole party!!! :brow: :o :brow:
  16. M

    Conduction Vape Bites Dust, I get a New Vapormatic Deluxe

    Okay, here is my first week's progress so far: :brow:
  17. M

    Vaped Buds - Best way to consume???

    Just kidding :D "Hey dude, wanna buy some of these AVB Chronic doobies?" "What's AVB?" "It means 'awesome voluptuous buds.' " "Sure, give me five of them!" :brow:
  18. M

    Vaped Buds - Best way to consume???

    Roll them up as doobies and sell them. :brow: :ko: :uhoh:
  19. M

    Conduction Vape Bites Dust, I get a New Vapormatic Deluxe

    Thanks... yes, it's not a narrow line... I combusted the VaporMatic at temps above 360F... and you have to run the fan on high when you are vaping or it will combust also. I'm sure every unit requires some fine-tuning before you find the perfect setting. Now that I have found it, I will simply...
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