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  1. foggyent

    New Jersey legalization

    Tracker on how NJ legislators or leaning:
  2. foggyent

    New Jersey legalization

    We are really close to getting this done: but we need everyone living in NJ to contact their local representatives/state senators and urge them to vote yes on the legalization bills. If you don't have the...
  3. foggyent

    StemPod by MPL

    I mostly use wattage mode at 45 Watts and TC at TCR 170 but I am using custom coils (20 Gauge SS 316L 7.5 wraps)
  4. foggyent

    StemPod by MPL

    I have the same mod and never had much luck with the FCShare DNA settings. In the end I loaded a bunch of different TCR settings and payed around with it until I was happy with the vapor. I think you can also adjust the curves on the material files, but from what I could tell they are all...
  5. foggyent

    StemPod by MPL

    I have found that the way I pack the stem has a major impact on the vapor. For me I pack the stem as loose as possible without tamping it down at all. The more a tamp down the stem the less vapor I get.
  6. foggyent

    StemPod by MPL

    So far the coils are working great. Nice clean thick vapor production with no glow. Thanks. Right now I am liking the 7.5 wrapped coils and my wife is getting sick of me changing things on the vape. Next time I make coils I will definitely give your method a try.
  7. foggyent

    StemPod by MPL

    Thanks, I had seen that, but $30 seemed a bit pricey for a screen making tool. My method is a little more work, but I was able to do it with materials I already had on hand.
  8. foggyent

    StemPod by MPL

    It's SS 304 100 mesh from Amazon. It looked that was the only option other than brass.
  9. foggyent

    StemPod by MPL

    I wrapped the coil on a hex key, then mounted them to the deck andand trim the extra wire. Finally I put a smaller hex keybthroukeone of the coils and used a flatvhead screw driver to fan them out. Rinse and repeat.
  10. foggyent

    StemPod by MPL

    So I tried making 10.5 wrap coils from my SS 316L 20 gauge wire but it was a bust. My DNA mod gave me the dreaded OFF message despite everything I tried. 7.5 wrap coils fanned out seem to work perfectly. They worked so well that I was only able to get 3 test draws off it before I had to sit...
  11. foggyent

    TC Box Mods Firmware Discussions and Customizing

    Turns out it was the coils. I had tried SS316L 20 AWG 10.5 wraps which gave me the error. When I tried 7.5 wraps I was able to fan it out more, and get no error.
  12. foggyent

    TC Box Mods Firmware Discussions and Customizing

    I've been trying out new coils in my StemPod and my Wismec DNA 250 gives me the off message occasionally. I can't seem to figure out the pattern. If I hook it up to escribe and run the monitor it acts like it's in TC but the screen just reads off. then sometimes it runs normally. Any ideas?
  13. foggyent

    StemPod by MPL

    So I finally got my 20 Gauge SS316L wire and I have been playing around making coils. In supershredderdan's video on changing coils, he recommends fanning out the coils; Is that required or can I use the coils tightly packed. My thinking is that if I leave them tightly packed on can probably fit...
  14. foggyent

    StemPod by MPL

    420 VapeZone posted a video review check it out:
  15. foggyent

    StemPod by MPL

    I could use some of the o-rings. Didn't see any of this on their website. Do you know how we can order?
  16. foggyent

    StemPod by MPL

    I have not had good experiences when I remove the the o-ring. My stems never seem to make a good seal and the vapor production drops, so I keep it in all the time. I have noticed that the rimmed screens chew up the o-ring. I was thinking of picking up some rimless basket screens to workaround...
  17. foggyent

    StemPod by MPL

    Put a few stems through the new cooling stem and I'm in love!
  18. foggyent

    Cooling stems for Splinter, Stempod, Tubo, Lil Bud, Mil

    Just ordered the $20 cooling stem from ModPodLabs. Will report back once I get it.
  19. foggyent

    Cooling stems for Splinter, Stempod, Tubo, Lil Bud, Mil

    I just saw this on Amazon and thought you all would find it interesting: It's boro glass made for laboratories but looks like it...
  20. foggyent

    StemPod by MPL

    So I'm back after a lot of testing. I tried changing the internal resistance to what someone on the internet said was more accurate for my mod, but didn't notice any performance difference. I tried a variety of different TCR values, which had a small impact. I got some super clapton wire, and...
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