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  1. hopla

    Alternative to the Induction Heater for Dynavap?

    Maybe that's just a stupid idea and not even doable but what if instead of an induction heater we tried to build a lighter for the Dynavap based on laser diodes? From very close a laser diode can heat up a paper sheet to a point it starts burning. So why 2 or 3 diodes mounted together and very...
  2. hopla

    Amateur seeking help for simple DIY IH

    My question will certainly make a lot of people laugh, at least those who know a little about electricity and DIY projects. I saw a video on youtube about a Vapcap IH and it seemed pretty easy to assemble, but i have a problem while i'm waiting the different pieces to arrive i can't get how to...
  3. hopla

    E-Nano+SB Junior ideal bong and accessories?

    Hi everyone! The E-Nano and the Sticky Brick Junior are on their way, and i have some questions. I am going to buy a Matrix Sidecar and i wonder if 1- there's nothing wrong with that model in combination...
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