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  1. Terweedator

    Mag Heater series

    As many others still waiting from 2020 .... 270 euros stolen from this guy. No IH ever sent, never a reply to my mails. Don't waste your time here.
  2. Terweedator

    Vapefiend's Ditanium 220V (EU/UK) Giveaway

    Thanks for this amazing giveaway! Good luck everyone!
  3. Terweedator

    Musa 510

    Playing around with my MUSA510 since August and happy to see there is a thread here on FC about this small and effective 510 dryherb vape. Gotta give a shout out to Tobias for making this little beast and even more for keeping improving its parts and sending those out to be installed. I was...
  4. Terweedator

    MUSA Wooden Vape

    Here a photo of how I'm using my MUSA "straight" and I like it a lot : the Arizer bowl works as great as the cooling stems from RastaBuddhaTao. I skip between the two stems as you see in this pic with the drydrotube (on the right ) for huge rips! Probably a 18F/18F adapter would work the same...
  5. Terweedator

    MUSA Wooden Vape

    Wow! This MUSAV2 looks pretty sick! Love the all wood look! If I can give my two cents to the discussion, I think that it's a good idea to offer a straight (cooling?)stem solution, other than the bong/bubbler one. I'm using the Arizer Cyclon bowl, maybe a 18F/18F adapter would work better, and...
  6. Terweedator

    Milaana 3

    Mi3? I've heard enough. I'm on the boat! Email sent.:rockon:
  7. Terweedator

    Dreamwood Glow

    Hi everyone! Here to post my first impressions about the GlowRCV14mm after spending a few days with this little devil! I went for this purchase for many different reasons but the first and most important is my recently acquired WVAS (W for wood lol) ! Dreamwood really carves gorgeous wood and...
  8. Terweedator

    MUSA Wooden Vape

    Trying the Musa with dosing caps : so far so good. Not super handy but better vapor production, no scorching until now (4th cap), even with big rips, better looking abv. Dosing caps : if you like them, they're good with all vapes they fit!:lol::rockon: @dudeguy I never vaped with the EVO but...
  9. Terweedator

    MUSA Wooden Vape

    So true! :lol:
  10. Terweedator

    MUSA Wooden Vape

    Hi @Revolution, as @Dynavaper wrote above, it is easy to load the basket style SS mesh, you can use a scoop, or two fingers, or use the basket itself as spoon, after you close it, so the herb can't go around. Medium to coarse grind works best for me and usually I drop 0.1, 0.2 of material in it...
  11. Terweedator

    MUSA Wooden Vape

    @Hippie Thank you for the welcome and for the tip! Apparently I was pasting the wrong link : the direct link seems to work.
  12. Terweedator

    MUSA Wooden Vape

    Sorry for the dead links.Thought I've understood how to publish images here but nope! : ) The imgur link if sombody want to watch them :
  13. Terweedator

    MUSA Wooden Vape

    So after two months with my MUSA I'm here to contribute to this amazing forum and in particular to this tread about a fantastic and not enough known Wooden Log vape. I was lucky enough to find a MUSA ready for me when I contacted Tobias via this forum and it didn't take long to receive her...
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