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  1. R

    Vape reclaim contains up to 65% THC Thought this was an interesting experiment. They performed high performance mass spec and found vape reclaim tends be around 50-65% THC. As I'm new to vaping I end up finding a lot of anecdotal and conflicting...
  2. R

    Help handling vape reclaim?

    So I've got quite a bit of THC reclaim now from cleaning my CFX mouthpeice. I'm swilling it in ISO for a few minutes then pouring the iso over a plate to evaporate. After 1-2 days I'll put the plate in the freezer along with a razer blade for about half an hour then scrape it off. I'm getting...
  3. R

    Help me stick with vaping? Duration of high seems lacking, can't get the 'oomph'.

    Been smoking almost every day for the past 4-5 years now, minus breaks for holidays etc. Recently my tolerance has gone up quite a bit and smoking 4-5 joints per evening (approx 1-1.5g/day) to get stoned after work. Usage on the weekend would vary significantly to be higher or lower depending on...
  4. R

    Three and a half year old ABV?

    I have about 10g of pushing four year old ABV I found in an old tin in storage. It's been in an airtight 'smell-proof' baggy inside a large biscuit type tin. This has been in a temp/humidity controlled storage for the latter half of the time and normal housing before that. It looks like...
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