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    Herborizer corner

    really, thought convection is the most efficent method??
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    Herborizer corner

    i see you prefer the herborizer over the flower pot? i have none of them, but looking for a new deskstop vape. i am really into efficency and potency (one hard hit is what i like) not so much into flavor. so could you tell why you prefer your other vapes and the herborizer over the twax?
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    The HydroBrick by Sticky Brick Labs

    thx for advice ordered this morning at vapefiend uk, will arrive tomorrow in munich, germany. yippiiieee
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    The HydroBrick by Sticky Brick Labs

    hi, i have several vapes in rotation, but since i got my sb jr, everything else is collecting dust. even ey plenty, tubo, milaana, vapecap etc. but since i am an idiot and already burned my jr pretty badly, i need to get another brick. i was a bong smoker before i started vaping about 3 years...
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    TUBO evic/dual

    lamarboffers them as well
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    The HydroBrick by Sticky Brick Labs

    alreadyown vapcap and vapman, and yes the only batteray driven device that comes close is the milana and the tubo to a degree. my volcano, plenty, mighty and what not keep collecting dust...
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    Cannabis Hardware (formerly NewVape) FlowerPot Twax Vaporizer

    will this hit even harder than a perfekt sticky brick hit? i mean with same amount of the same herb, which one blows the whistle?
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    The HydroBrick by Sticky Brick Labs

    thank you. so if it is as good as the junior at least, and easer to use, i have to get one :-)
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    The HydroBrick by Sticky Brick Labs

    got a sb junior the other day and its became one of my hardhitters. so i wonder if the hydo maxx would hit even harder. any comparison regarding efficency and potency?
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    hi, i am on board as well. got the vapman with the station and in the beginning i liked it, but not loved it. so i got a milana, a tubo, couple of water pieces, a vapcap (which in my opinion comes close to vapman, but slightly less efficient), plenty, volcano and so on. but these days i did a...
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    TUBO evic/dual

    i got my tubo couple of days ago and it growin on me. i have got a question: is it possible to use the tubo while charging battery via usb? or not recommended?
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