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  1. Ein14Here


    Hi guys, have anyone here heard of "ball vapes" or is it called "terp pearls"? I HEARD it's mostly for bong uses, but I seen a guy use it in his volcano hybrid reducing chamber, he place like 4 balls in it. I was thinking it would help fill out the chamber and improve the taste, since I am...
  2. Ein14Here

    microdosing and low tolerance: getting full effects on 0.005g

    What the minimum thc flower % you use for microdosing?
  3. Ein14Here


    I use a Turkey bag and .2 grams give me 2-3 bags. Starting temp is at 365, 370 and 375.
  4. Ein14Here


    I don't use a liquid pad, I place my material on the solid valve chamber with the help of Magic Flight Grinder, after first grinding it through a space case grinder. After the MF grinder, everything powdery and covers the chamber pretty well at .2 grams.
  5. Ein14Here


    I went with the digital version, having the display number of the temperature is more reassuring than waiting for the classic to warm up to the right temp.
  6. Ein14Here

    What made you switch?

    I made the switch to vaping, because it was stinking up my family house and I could save money. Two birds with one stone...
  7. Ein14Here


    What consider high temperature for you? With the volcano, I'm doing 365, 375 and 392 with each turkey bag. I feel I'm hitting all the cannabinoids with these temps.
  8. Ein14Here


    How big is your bag? I am using a turkey bag and with 0.2 gram, it gives me 2 bags. Third bag is usually just dead air.
  9. Ein14Here


    I can get 3 turkey bags with 1 chamber of solid valve, with my .20 gram load for two people. The 1st bag taste great, the 2nd is decent and third taste mostly mixture of air.
  10. Ein14Here


    I tally up my whole week with mirco-dosing and it comes out to 2.78 grams a week, but divide that by half, since I'm sharing half with a buddy. its around 1.5 grams on average a week for myself. I wonder if that's really low for mirco-dosing?
  11. Ein14Here


    Just finished my 3 week break and did .15 grams of mid grade Sour Diesel on my Volcano with my buddy and its not crazy stone on couch feel, its more like a buzz throughout my body. With only .15 grams I barely covered 90% of solid valve chamber and got 3 big turkey bags. The session was 1 hour...
  12. Ein14Here

    How much bud do you vaporize in an average day of use?

    I'm planning to vape only .05 grams twice per day on weekdays and weekends will be .2 grams, 3 times throughout the day. I can't wait for my tolerance break to end on Oct 1st, its going to be nearly 3 weeks. This might be my last tolerances break ever, if Microdosing workout for me!
  13. Ein14Here


    Hey again and thanks for the replies! I've another question regarding my tolerance break being over and starting up again with microdosing. Should I start with low to mid grade or it makes no differences and is fine to go for top shelf?
  14. Ein14Here

    Dynavap VapCap

    Hi, just got directed here from another thread for questions about Vapcap. While browsing, I notice they have one for $50 (M model), but I do have a few concerns, like is the vapor smelly (combustion) and what temperature will it be, after the clicking sound? How much herb can be loaded at a...
  15. Ein14Here

    The Official CannaBreak Thread

    Sadly no, but my buddy and I were talking about a secondary vapor, if the Volcano don't work. I might consider getting magic flight launch box, since I'm getting a finisher grinder anyways, but the problem is it doesn't let you know the temperature and it might cause a combustion if done wrong...
  16. Ein14Here

    The Official CannaBreak Thread

    365 for the Volcano and 1 hour long session with 3-4 turkey bags per session. edit* 1.5 gram per session, so at 3-4 grams per day.
  17. Ein14Here

    The Official CannaBreak Thread

    Well, I use up to 2.5 grams a day on average. I can vape all the strains I want on my Volcano, but I just wouldn't get that buzz/high anymore. That's reason I started my tolerance break.
  18. Ein14Here

    The Official CannaBreak Thread

    Just finished a week from not using cannabis. I am a heavy user, vaping up to 2-3 times a day for the past 3 years. My original goal was to aim for month tolerance break, but I recall being on a 11 day cruise and gotten a nice buzz to a point where I can't ride my bike probably and give up...
  19. Ein14Here

    Herb Grinders

    My large space case grinder kief screen is clogged, should I clean it with some isopropyl alcohol and brush it with a toothbrush? Additionally ... I'm going to get a Magic Flight finisher grinder, but it comes in Natural wood & Cherry for $25 and Walnut wood for $30. Why is the Walnut version...
  20. Ein14Here


    My pattern of vaping beginnings once in the morning, another in the evening and lastly once before sleep. I probably used 2 gram per session on average, just enough to fill up my Solid valve chamber twice, but I was using a regular grinder and not a coffee grinder (getting one later). Just...
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