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  1. H

    Dynavap VapCap

    hey, thinking about buying an omnivap as my first vaporizer, how do you think about using it in a group of like 3-4 people? how many times would you have to repack the bowl to get a person very high?
  2. H

    vapcap m vs omnivape titanium

    Hi, im trying to decide between these two vaporizers, can anyone advise me out of experience which one i should get and answer these questions? 1.Are the ss ccds better than the ti ones? (the ti design seems to have bigger chinks, is material being let through?) 2.steel vs ti tip: which one...
  3. H

    Vaporizer lifetime/ durability

    i buy a few grams at a time and smoke that within a weekend or so :)
  4. H

    Vaporizer lifetime/ durability

    THANKS FOR THAT POST! i decided to buy one cause thats exactly what i needed!
  5. H

    Vaporizer lifetime/ durability

    Hi, i've been a very infrequent marihuana smoker smoking around 5 joints a year and i think about maintaining this frequency and starting vaping instead of smoking. For how long do you think would a vaporizer like the Mighty last me before it stops working if its only used 5 times a year? I ask...
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