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  1. S

    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    I am thinking Cherry Wood Purple-Days. It looks good. I like to do two big hits then chill for 2 hours. This unit seems like it could deliver under that usage. Am I making the right choice?
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    Raf007 I agree with almost everything you said. But if you want in the game you have to play it by their rules.
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    The MMA Discussion Dojo

    "To me, this is a sport, and in sports, the goal is winning. That is why, even though I don't care for it much, I don't fault Silva for his fighting style." I agree with your first sentence. Fight to win and I will be a fan. He fights to get a decision sometimes which is like saying I'm only...
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    Anybody watch "Fringe?" Great MJ reference!

    Fringe is really good. Right now its one episode from finale for the season. I heard it got picked up for a 3rd. My DVR has it set at highest priority. Only because I will not watch anything live. To busy to watch commercials.
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    Pirates and what to do with them

    AGBeer Zuckin Footed I am new. That's the first time I saw that title and it caused a coughing fit. Thanks a lot, asshole. LMAO.
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    At what age was your first cannabis experience?

    My first time I was Sixteen. My cousin who is also my best friend since birth had been getting high for three years (since he was 13). We are the same age but a few months off. One day i got into a fight with my mom. I had 21 dollars. I went to my cousin and said lets buy some MJ and smoke it...
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    The MMA Discussion Dojo

    LAME. Thats so fake it is not even Austin Powers funny. The Spider cost me 300 bucks on the Griffon fight. I still want to see a rematch. GSP would not be able to match up. I dream of Anderson getting his ass beat but unless Shogun can do it after defending three times which is about how long...
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    Marc Emery was extradited to the US

    I am sorry as a U.S. citizen that my country is so ignorant. You nailed it. nuff' said.
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    Once again 10/29, my birthday. lol. It's everywhere.
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    10/29 is my birthday, bro. I see it everywhere. Especially watching Discovery channel about World War II. I got my 401(k) out and into bonds 3 weeks before the last crash. I was going to get in again last week and then the computer glitch happened the same day. I figure 4-6 weeks before i get...
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    Cannabis Caviar at $1400.00 Bucks an Ounce.... ??

    Great article. I would try some some. Maybe a quarter would be good. It would be great for a celebration.
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    Vapor Can be Harmful to your Health

    I saw a Doc on this on Discovery. The people that worked at the microwave popcorn factories had it bad.
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    For all you dog owners...

    I have always raised AMAZING dogs. It is simply a matter of getting the dog as a weaned puppy and raising them with love and affection. and plenty of play time. I am now on my third dog (I am 33.) My first was a Doberman that lived to a healthy Sixteen before being hit by a car. The second a...
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    Neanderthal genes 'survive in us'

    No anthropology degree here but, I gueesed that long ago. I watch to much Discovery channel. I saw a interesting show that postulated there were actually two separate species of Homo Sapian, one was far more cerebral and the other more warlike (us.) One exterminated the other. Funny stuff.
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    Favorite way to blow the top of your head off?

    So what's your "Favorite way to blow the top of your head off?" Mine is a 2' Roor with a triple perc.
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    Is there a vaporizer for gamers?

    StickyShisha Dude I need to visit your house on one of those nights!
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    Pot Lung and Vaping

    Not to be contrary. I believe in the condition your describing. In the movie "The Union." They quote a Government report that claims MJ does not cause bronchitis. Do you smoke cigarettes to? I do, so I can not tell which smoke is doing what. And, if you haven't seen it and your on this forum. Go...
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