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  1. R

    Discontinued The RBT Milaana (unregulated single 18650)

    Haha yeah those new woods are beautiful. I really love the cherry. Such a rich texture.
  2. R

    Discontinued The RBT Milaana (unregulated single 18650)

    The marketing plan is coming together! Our shift into the premium markets pace will really elevate RBT to where it should be. Keep an eye out on the website as we are making a lot of fun new changes soon. Just consolidated out Contact Us page to better help you find the support you need -- all...
  3. R

    Discontinued The RBT Milaana (unregulated single 18650)

    @RastaBuddhaTao said it right. We want to bring this brand to artisan level. To expand on Ryan's questions: What is the least you would pay for a mixed wood? What's the most you would pay? What about for the 2x4 square offering, what is the least you'd pay? Most you'd pay? How would you reach...
  4. R

    Discontinued The RBT Milaana (unregulated single 18650)

    I love this speaks to the uniqueness of the brand. Thanks for your thoughts!
  5. R

    Discontinued The RBT Milaana (unregulated single 18650)

    Hand crafted / artisan is absolutely a key point we want to hit on. Always nice to get some confirmation in where we were thinking of going :)
  6. R

    Discontinued The RBT Milaana (unregulated single 18650)

    @hippogriff thanks for the suggestion. We are looking to pool our limited resources in the most impactful way possible. That means going after a market that when explained the product simply will go "yes, I must have that!" I like the idea of focusing on the convention portables niche, but there...
  7. R

    Discontinued The RBT Milaana (unregulated single 18650)

    Thanks for your ideas! Keep em coming everyone!
  8. R

    Discontinued The RBT Milaana (unregulated single 18650)

    We've got a handle on the logo. Thank you all! Next step, we're looking for slogan ideas. Please submit up to 3 ideas and tag me in it the post. No more than 3 per person will be considered so please be thoughtful. Looking forward to hearing from you all! Note: we will also be looking at...
  9. R

    Discontinued The RBT Milaana (unregulated single 18650)

    You can find them on online retailer sites. We will continue to update our sites as more stock and new products become available. Check it out at
  10. R

    Discontinued The RBT Milaana (unregulated single 18650)

    As Ryan said I do like the current RBT logo but we want to simplify it. Especially since it will need to be branded into wood. The middle right one has gotten solid feedback in the past and I do like it as a simplification of the current logo. But @RastaBuddhaTao could that really be easily...
  11. R

    Discontinued The RBT Milaana (unregulated single 18650)

    Hey! Two logos we wanted to run by everyone. Let us know your thoughts! Thanks! -RBT Team
  12. R

    Discontinued The RBT Milaana (unregulated single 18650)

    We have received all of your useful feedback and greatly appreciate your time and energy to help develop and shape this brand. My professional opinion is the original logo truly does capture the brand's essence. With that in mind I think some minor tweaks will help simplify it and make it more...
  13. R

    Discontinued The RBT Milaana (unregulated single 18650)

    Ok, so I wanted to take the time to respond to these and get some opinions. I think a lot of you have touched on this, but just to share my branding experience: A brand's logo should first and foremost be simple. If it cannot be recalled from memory easily there's a problem. The current logo...
  14. R

    Discontinued The RBT Milaana (unregulated single 18650)

    A wood logo would be cool but needs to be replicable. And I'm all for ideas. Don't want to restrict free thought. All comments are welcome. Ryan and I will take all feedback seriously and discuss.
  15. R

    Discontinued The RBT Milaana (unregulated single 18650)

    Hi everyone! My name is Steve and, as Ryan mentioned, I will be working as the new Marketing Manager for RBT. It's an honor to work with such an experienced engineer and innovator like Ryan combined with such a dedicated community on FC. Ryan and I are trying to find the most effective...
  16. R

    Discontinued The RBT Milaana (unregulated single 18650)

    Great work! You guessed it dead on!
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