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  1. P

    Arizer Solo

    One more question: How often do you clean the stem in milk to get a strong buzz from it? I have no idea wether you have to use the arizer 20, 50, 100, 200... times to get the desired result?
  2. P

    Arizer Solo

    Hi there, got my Solo today and tried it with some Hash. I took a really small amount like a ricecorn, but formed it in a flat round style, like a small coin. It worked really good, no worries about getting in those bottom holes. A lot of nice vapor... I haven't read all the posts, but is this...
  3. P

    Iolite vaporiser

    Does anyone know if i can use premium ZIPPO gas? It is bought in germany, and says it would be iso-butane. I googled, and i found iso-butane has a slightly lower melting/steaming temperature. Or does it harm the iolite? Havent tried it already...
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