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  1. TommyE

    The Firefly 2 vaporizer

    I'm so confused. Is your ff bad or not? Seems like one post you are saying how bad it is, then saying how great it is. Just curious, because you are saying conflicting statements.
  2. TommyE

    The Firefly 2 vaporizer

    Thanks! Looks like I'm waiting for the official one.
  3. TommyE

    The Firefly 2 vaporizer

    Yeah, I saw pictures of the case from ff. I am not sure how soon it is before it is coming out. If I knew it was soon, I'd wait for it.
  4. TommyE

    The Firefly 2 vaporizer

    Quick question. I remember a bunch of pages ago there were some posts about a good case for the ff2. I can't seem to find it. Any reccomendations on a good case to store it in?
  5. TommyE

    The Firefly 2 vaporizer

    No. No shipping notification. Just showed up. :rockon:
  6. TommyE

    The Firefly 2 vaporizer

    I can confirm that the white is in stock. I ordered Friday and just got a surprise delivery today! Pretty stoked to try it out.
  7. TommyE

    The Firefly 2 vaporizer

    Yeah, I don't mind the white. It'll do the job. And when lids are stocked I'll just change it if I want. I don't really need it to be stealthy. Not gonna take it out in the middle of a busy street. Lol.
  8. TommyE

    The Firefly 2 vaporizer

    I just put in my order for the White, so I can test the theory that they could possibly be in stock. Crossing my fingers that it's true!
  9. TommyE

    The Firefly 2 vaporizer

    Has it been determined if color is playing a role in when they are being shipped out? I still haven't pre-ordered, but was going to is a certain color is getting out first
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