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  1. B

    Personal Experience with Vape Pens + THC Juice.

    A few weeks back after researching for my next portable herb vape, I concluded that there's nothing out there for me personally, but a friend of mine had been raving on about how he mixes THC oil with the same process people use to make Vape Juice. Later that week I asked him about it and if he...
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    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud EVO

    Yeah the one you linked served me well, real sturdy too had a few minor drops and it survived all of them.
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    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud EVO

    Sounds good dude, yeah I had my doubts about the base being a proper fit.
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    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud EVO

    Has anyone tried the new replica hydratubes on DH Gate, specifically this one LINK
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    The Firefly 2 vaporizer

    I think the update came out less than a week ago, maybe close your app and restart it. It's a firmware update for the firefly itself, seems to improve a lot of thing especially with the addition of power tuning (Got mine set to 111% on High)...
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    The Firefly 2 vaporizer

    I agree with everyone else, I got mine and I was really underwhelmed. No one I showed was impressed either, but after that update I would say it performs somewhat close to my Cloud Evo. Getting good clouds and battery. Before the update it just felt like it wasn't even producing any decent vapor.
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    Long time users - How does herb effect you?

    I just saved you a whole lot of typing haha Yeah you got the right idea, it was close enough :). I totally forgot to answer this, but I think the answers you're going to get with this are going to vary, since people can be long time users but how much use per day is going to vary. Me...
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    Long time users - How does herb effect you?

    I only started my consistent relationship with Cannabis during a stressful period in my life, I think everyone calls it a mid life crisis (more like quarter life), but it did help me think about things pretty thoroughly and put my life back on the right track to where i want to be. Although the...
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    Fuck you !!!

    Fuck you Staples for taking 1 week to redeliver a chair that you didn't even try to deliver since authority to leave was ticked. Fuck you delivery driver that couldn't be fucked driving to my house to deliver my order, what are you even being paid for SMH. Fuck you bitch that crashed into my car...
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    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud EVO

    I just leave it on dude, when it flashes red & green it means it turned itself off, so if you don't turn it off, it will turn itself off after a period time. No need to leave it on IMO, it heats up pretty quickly either way.
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    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud EVO

    Ohh man what a day. First I watch the Heat get eliminated in the NBA Playoffs then I come back home from work, have 1 hit put it down on a flat surface 6inches from the ground, moments later it decides to fall and break off the mouth piece part. Since it's replacement time. I'm thinking of...
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    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud EVO

    Oh it's just stock they exported, I'm just getting it from a re-seller. It was priced at $300AUD ($228USD). I just hope the cloud evo + honeycomb blows away my EQ.
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    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud EVO

    I should be getting my Cloud Evo within the next 48 hours along with Honeycomb Hydratube (Kinda feel like i should've put in another $150 for the double swagger hydratube instead) I'll come back with some pictures of quality. This will be exported stock though, but it will be interesting to...
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