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  1. rabican

    ABV Milkshake (My First Post)

    Really great post, thanks for sharing. I've made medibles in the past with varying levels of success. After reading this and many other posts, I plan on making a shake during the holiday break. Here's my plan, let me know if anyone has any suggested tweaks so that it comes out perfect...: 1g...
  2. rabican

    Cannacaps w/ AVB vs eating it straight

    My question to this is... Is cooking the ABV into a fat such as coconut oil better than eating the ABV straight and consuming a fat seperatly (i.e., mixing ABV and coconut oil into a blender)?
  3. rabican

    Robin Hood Christmas
  4. rabican

    Robin Hood Christmas

    I a few other (non-christmas based) pics of it...
  5. rabican

    Robin Hood Christmas
  6. rabican

    Cannabis smoking 'permanently lowers IQ' Thoughts? Think this is true? :(
  7. rabican

    How much weight can you loose to evaporation (water weight)?

    No i put it in a zip lock bag but i noticed the bag wasn't fully zipped up... I def dont have mice :(. ...Im so confused.
  8. rabican

    How much weight can you loose to evaporation (water weight)?

    I got some new product that came vacuum sealed. I opened it, weighed it to confirm it was correct (13.8g). I then used some and went to bed. The next day I re-weighed the bag and it was 5g less! I live alone, I searched the floor, nothing so confused, can you really lose 4g in water?
  9. rabican

    Customized vape setups

    My new MGW tube, love it...this hit was all keef and i literally felt like i was tripping about 20min after i took it...i had to go lay down lol! Sorry for the crappy video, its on my phone, i need to borrow a friends camera to shoot some higher quality.
  10. rabican

    Customized vape setups

    My new MGW tube :)
  11. rabican

    Best piece for under 400$

    I ended up getting a MGW with a reversed per, showerhead and splash guard yesterday at a local headshop. It looks pretty sick and it was 380$. I'll post some pics up later.
  12. rabican

    Customized vape setups

    How do you have so much glass pappy!? ...nice pieces :)
  13. rabican

    Best piece for under 400$

    Thanks for the suggestions on EFS, I pm'd them about a custom double perc.
  14. rabican

    Best piece for under 400$

    My current top picks: $400 ZOB[/*] $300 EFS (CUSTOM)[/*] $280 Leisure Glass...
  15. rabican

    Best piece for under 400$

    Thanks for link, never heard of this site, ill take a look!!
  16. rabican

    Best piece for under 400$

    or $172 Ehle
  17. rabican

    Best piece for under 400$

    Any suggestions? I like these two at the moment: 300$+ EFS & $280 Leisure I would prefer tube style, I will use this to combust/vape while my robinhood bubbler is only for vaping...
  18. rabican

    EHLE 100ml question

    The ehle diffused downstem that i bought for my 250ml also hits into the 100ml, it is an EXACT fix.
  19. rabican

    Marijuana Treats Anxiety and Depression

    Marijuana Treats Anxiety and Depression Very interesting and informative read!
  20. rabican

    Silver Surfer Vaporizer

    has anyone hooked the vapor tamer up with a water attachment? Its pretty cheap but not sure what parts id need...kinda cool idea :) it would need tubing between the two spots since my glass wont support the weight...
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