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  1. S

    Da Buddha

    I'm sorry that this is so late in answering your post #639, freeman. But I haven't been around lately. To answer your question, yes. I did make one of these (Post #633). I was not able to use it but my wife did. Her review was that the vapor was smoother and easier to take in. She also...
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    Da Buddha

    Here is a URL for a drawing of a possible hot air moisturizer for Da Buddah. Edit: Changed URL to image. Added image of Aroma Top Cap Thank you, Lo for telling me how to post this URL.
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    Da Buddha

    Hello. I've been reading FC threads for several months. When I started I was using a Vapezilla. The zilla was a bit noisy so I came to this forum looking for a silent alternative. I found that alternative in the Da Buddah. I love it. I've since purchased two additional Da Buddah's as...
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    The Medical Marijuana Industry

    Hi PerseusStoned, I did a Google search for 'Wall Street Journal Medical Marijuana' and came up with this
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