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  1. consta

    A portable solution with built in water filter or something that easily pairs with a hydratube?

    This unique cooling that Might has = Is the vapor still harsh? There are lot of reasons why I said water filtration is a must. I have always felt without water, vapor seemed very harsh to my lungs. I had developed wheezing because I didn't use water for a long time. I don't like how dry my mouth...
  2. consta

    A portable solution with built in water filter or something that easily pairs with a hydratube?

    Thanks for all the replies everyone. I would like to stay away from torches. Can't wait. So I guess it's the Arizer air then unless there are other suggestions? I have one question though. I see the retail price for the Air on the official website is like $260 something and on websites...
  3. consta

    A portable solution with built in water filter or something that easily pairs with a hydratube?

    Hello FC, I'm seeking a portable solution that either has a built in water solution or something that can easily be paired up with a small hydratube? I would like it to be efficient if possible. I don't need to get totally medicated. All I really need is one single good hit really. Took take...
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